This article introduces a kind of intelligent measuring system, which accords with the rule of measuring for tapered roller bearing, and can actualize auto-measuring for SDW and auto-picking.
The result of the simulation indicates that the system can actualize self-collimation in shorter time and with higher precision.
Hence, statutory capital system has less demand for social credit mechanism, which indicates statutory capital system is more propitious to actualize the value of safety with the shortage of credit.
The control and actualize system of variable rate fertilization consist of DGPS, Field Computer, Hydraulic Motor, Ground Sensing Radar and fertilizer assembly.
Meanwhile, the technique and method are introduced to actualize the intelligent scheduling system.
The author thinks it is an efficient system to actualize ESO to improvement of corporate governance structure.
What "s more, a necessary regulation should be made of our existent systems of budgetary and income tax so as to successfully establish and actualize social security tax system."
The whole system design is simple, but basically actualize the functions of exam and exam management.
On the basis of above method, system can actualize a simple vector control without speed sensor through a single chip computer.
This paper was presented as a means of designing a temperature-contorting system to actualize the ideal environment which was used as a supplementary of solar energy based on microchip.
Meanwhile I design a audit method in order to successfully actualize the appraisal system.
To actualize the functions listing, a PLW model is put forward to structure an Expert System.
To actualize the functions listing, a PLW model is put forward to structure an Expert System.