The traditional approach to keeping track of changes in software development is to use some type of change management system, process, or tool.
This approach is transparent to the database itself, the database management system can not feel the existence of encryption and decryption process.
This myth will almost certainly come true for organizations that use a plug-and-play approach to implementing a management system, instead of making sure documents and practices fit their businesses.
To improve the flexibility of workflow management system, workflow dynamic change model and instance migration approach were studied.
The central idea of the approach is to enhance workflow systems ability to cope with environmental uncertainties and changes by means of resource management and dynamic system reconfiguration.
The practice of project management pays attention to goal-oriented systems, subsystem, their relationships, and environment; this is what makes project management a "system approach" to management.
This text takes a solution of B/S mode school management system developed by ASP. NET as an example to outline software development approach with RUP.
PDM system is developed making use of embedded workflow driving product configuration management approach. The case demonstrates feasibility of approach to the model.
And it is considered a effective approach to apply dynamic optimization management and decision with network schedule technique in complex large system project schedule.
Due to its deep connotation of theory and complexity of operation, the process approach becomes the stress and difficulty of a quality management system operation and audit.
In order to solve query performance degradation problems of the enterprise management system designed by "big focus" approach, and propose a sound query performance optimization model.
The internal management approach tends to establish the Council system, the Board system and the committee system in universities.
Thus, a new approach to solving the management problem for the crossbar switching system is devel - oped.
Our management system assessment approach, based on international standards, can address the complexity of your rail supply chain needs, and is designed to give you confidence and peace of mind.
As an important approach to improve the flexibility of system, reflection is also available to Workflow Management system (WfMS).
The proposed approach is applied to the CNC Fee Management System and the results are analyzed.
However, since no system can ever be 100 percent secure, a prevention-only approach to information security management is not enough.
According to this background, the selling and renting management system of video and audio chain store has been designed. The system is used to replace the traditional manual approach.
Chemical risk assessment is the core scientific basis and main technical approach of chemical management, and establishing chemical risk assessment system is of great importance to China.
ISO9000 series standard encourage organizations to establish, implement quality management system through the process approach to raise the validity and efficiency of quality management system.
ISO 9000族标准鼓励组织在建立、实施质量管理体系以及在提高质量管理体系的有效性和效率时采用过程方法。
The thesis presents the design of the expansibility of NETLAB, the approach to the function improvement and the performance optimization, and also the implementation of the user management system.
The fact that a CB can choose between a type a or type b management system means that such a choice will have an impact on the assessment approach that the AB will need to take.
IS09000 series standard encourage organizations to establish, implement quality management system through the process approach to raise the validity and efficiency of quality management system.
IS 09000族标准鼓励组织在建立、实施质量管理体系以及在提高质量管理体系的有效性和效率时采用过程方法。
Referring to enterprise management, these influencing factors could be organization level and function design, human capital management approach and construction of enterprise system or culture.
NET environment in a "top-down in the overall planning, bottom-up approach to application development" strategy to develop a management information system process.
NET environment in a "top-down in the overall planning, bottom-up approach to application development" strategy to develop a management information system process.