This then allows the game developer to offload the content management and distribution problem to the middleware infrastructure, rather than building their own system.
The content of building ecology garden city conclude building and improving greenbelt system of city.
It has great meaning for improving this system's construction by introducing the building, content and analysis the common features of this system.
Data Warehouse is the core content in the building of land resources decision support system, and it is the basis of dealing by a decision support system.
In this part, explain the main problems mainly from the content of building the rural social security system and the existing social security in rural areas.
This paper discusses WAP web model and the technology of building and planning of content server for mobile electric commerce system.
Chapter 3 set forth the theory model of marketing risk forewarning management which includes its building principle, working content and method system.
Finally, the technical implementation of our content-based image browse and retrieval test system, as well as some key components in building such a test system, is also covered in great detail.
Finally, the technical implementation of our content-based image browse and retrieval test system, as well as some key components in building such a test system, is also covered in great detail.