MCL1 is a child of the system class loader, and MCL2 is a child of MCL1.
In Listing 6, the UnsatisfiedLinkErrorTest class is loaded by the system class loader.
This is because B is not in the classpath of the system class loader or its parent or ancestor class loaders.
Here, we use reflection because we have loaded the application using a class loader that is not the system class loader.
Instead, it has a set of class loaders that are unrelated except that they have the same parent (usually the system class loader).
If these classes are available in the classpath, the parent of the URLClassLoader instance, which is the system class loader, will load them.
The problem with this approach is that the LogManager instance uses the system class loader to instantiate classes from the configuration file.
For instance, classes in the system class loader class space should not refer to classes in the class space of a child or a descendant class loader.
Class a is on the classpath of the system class loader, and a's superclass, B, is on the classpath of a user-defined class loader, which is a child of the system class loader.
To avoid this problem, any classes that are to be serialized should be loaded by a class loader that does not need to be garbage collected — by the system class loader, for example.
The system class loader (also known as the application class loader) is the class loader responsible for loading code from the path specified by the CLASSPATH environment variable.
While the simplest way to avoid class loader constraint violations is to only have one copy of a class in the system, it is sometimes necessary to have multiple versions.
The easiest way to resolve this problem is to ensure that there is only one copy of a class in the system — that is, that the class only appears in the classpath of one loader.
I like things that don't take up very much code, so Maypole currently uses a model class system based on Class::DBI::Loader.
我喜欢不用很多代码就能实现的东西,因此Mayple当前使用了一个基于Class::DBI::Loader 的模型类系统。
So whilst in a traditional application, classes from a logging library, a client and server JAR may be loaded by the same class loader, in an OSGi module system, each would be loaded by their own.
This class loader loads the core system classes from the boot classpath, which is normally the JAR files located in the jre/lib directory.
The Classloader summaries section provides details about each class loader in the system, including the type of the class loader.
The Classloader summaries section provides details about each class loader in the system, including the type of the class loader.