When they came to the library they would sign-in and a librarian would verify all of their information and they would have full access to the system.
"And what is the Solar System?" asked the librarian.
The system of subject librarian is a new working mode and service system in hospital library.
The subject librarian system is the key factor for the university library to develop information consultancy service.
Library vocational qualification certification system can arouse activity of librarian continuing education and thus make continuing education become real lifelong education.
Although libraries in our country have shortcomings in hardware and software compared with developed countries, it is not the reason of delaying the construction of the discipline librarian system.
Network Environment provides platform for the realization of the educational function in the library of a university, while disciplinary librarian system is the assurance eof such function.
Reference librarian system is improve ability of library reference service and important measure that train librarian become knowledge navigation and consultation expert.
This paper discusses the necessity, measures of establishing subject librarian system and the quality request of subject librarian. 3 refs.
The implementation of professional librarian is one of the best ways of improving the drawbacks of this system.
Actually, knowledge services have stringent requirements for librarian qualities, the information resources construction, the expert system and equipments.
To establish the Librarian Credentials System can improve the librarian qualification and the service of library.
This paper elaborates on the importance of professional qualification authentication system and professional spirit from the view point of librarian strength building.
This paper elaborates on the importance of professional qualification authentication system and professional spirit from the view point of librarian strength building.