Once an application is up and running, memory utilization is affected by the number and size of objects the system requires.
However, if you make it too large, you can waste valuable memory resources on your managed system due to the size of the page table created for the partition.
These fluctuations in the heap size can slow down the application and are unnecessary if the physical memory is not needed for anything else running on the same system.
For POWER6, variable page size support (VPSS) was introduced, which means that the system will use larger pages as the application requests larger chunks of memory.
在POWER 6中,引入了可变页面大小支持(VPSS),这意味着当应用程序需要更大的内存块时,系统将使用更大的页面。
The size of servers with respect to operating system, processor, memory, data storage, and so on dictates the true maximum size.
For example, say that you cannot afford to have large buffer pools due to memory constraints on the test system and would like to configure the size the same without actually having them in reality.
Paging can occur when there is insufficient system memory to support the chosen heap size along with the other processes running on the system.
This parameter specifies the maximum size in bytes of a Shared memory segment which can be allocated on the system.
It can be run on up to two dual-core CPU servers, with up to 4 GB of memory, any storage system setup, and no database size restrictions — or any other types of artificial restrictions.
If your system is constrained on memory, you can reduce the size of buffer pools in the target database because the DB2 LOAD utility does not use buffer pools.
如果系统内存不充裕,那么可以减少目标数据库中缓冲池的大小,因为DB 2LOAD实用程序不使用缓冲池。
With the 64-bit version, DB2 naturally supports any size of memory that the operating system supports, without using the previously mentioned AWE and MLN approaches.
利用64位的版本,DB 2自然也支持操作系统所支持的任何内存容量,而不需要使用前面所提到的AWE和MLN方法。
The SHMMAX specifies the maximum size in bytes of a shared memory segment which can be allocated on the system.
SHMMAX 按字节指定系统上可以分配的最大共享内存段。
DB2 Express-C can be run on up to two dual-core CPU servers, with up to 4 GB of memory, any storage system setup and with no restrictions on database size or any other artificial restrictions.
DB 2Express - C可以在至多两个双核CPU服务器上运行,服务器上最大内存为4GB,任何存储系统设置,没有数据库大小或者任何其它人为限制。
You can control the maximum size of the cache by using the command line option in Listing 1, but note that this maximum size may be constrained by operating system restrictions on shared memory
Increasing the size of this buffer allows the system to map more virtual memory, which results in a lower miss rate for applications that use a lot of virtual memory like Oracle.
Listing 2 shows a simple Perl script used to display the memory size of a Solaris system.
In Dennis' system, a computer's memory is divided into chunks of uniform size, each of which can store data but can also point to as many as 16 other chunks.
The shmmax specifies the maximum size in bytes of a Shared memory segment which can be allocated on the system.
It is not necessary to pin the 64-kilobyte pages in memory and the AIX 5l operating system dynamically moves pages between 4-kilobyte and 64-kilobyte page-size pools.
这里完全没有必要将64KB页面固定在内存中,AIX5l操作系统可以动态地移动4KB和64 KB页面大小的池之间的页面。
If you set the buffer pool size too high, then system memory usage will exceed the available physical memory, causing the operating system to spend more time paging the memory.
This paper presents a method to determine the proper size of applied task stack in the system whose memory is limited.
A 32 bit operating system doesn't seem sensible in our prototype already in view of the memory size of 4 gigabytes - unless there are only 32 bit drivers for existing peripheral devices available.
The delay for users while memory is cleared will vary by the physical configuration of the system and memory size.
Code efficiency is especially important since it helps to minimize system program size and reduce overall system cost by allowing the use of less flash memory.
The size and number of transmit buffers is first determined, and this determination is made after considering how much pool area is available in the printer's memory system at that moment.
User program memory size required is not only the function of the system with the PLC, but also with the function of the realization of the method, the level of programming.
User program memory size required is not only the function of the system with the PLC, but also with the function of the realization of the method, the level of programming.