Inspired by Halley's suggestion of a way to pin down the scale of the Solar System, teams of British and French astronomers set out on expeditions to places as diverse as India and Siberia.
He USES a heavy, obsolete Dell laptop from which he has scoured any trace of hearts and solitaire, down to the level of the operating system.
Review Ideas as Soon as Realistically Feasible – Once you have an effifient system down for storing your ideas, you have to create a regular habit of reviewing them.
想法现实可行的话尽快对其检查回顾 --一旦设立有效存储你的想法的系统之后,你要养成经常检查回顾你这些想法的习惯。
Managers can be the point of contact to other departments to explain why a system is down.
This new species of snailfish was discovered 7 kilometres down in the Peru-Chile trench in the south-east Pacific Ocean using a deep-sea baited camera system.
He's created a way for people to use an older model computer as a "virtual desktop," outsourcing its processing power, memory and operating system to another piece of equipment located down the hall.
That could lock higher inflation into the system, giving central Banks a devil of a job to bring it back down again.
In particular, it meant that a lot of securities weren't worth nearly what people thought they were, a fact that nearly brought down the entire financial system.
Pep up your old system: What if a potential buyer wants to figuratively kick the tires of your PC before plunking down cash for it?
And merges can bring a down a system that is operating near the limit of its throughput capabilities.
Santeria, also called Regla DE Ocha, is a slimmed-down system of beliefs that came from the Yoruba people, in what is now Nigeria.
On February 15, one of Amazon's three geographic locations went down for a few of hours, killing the Amazon S3, the cloud storage system.
I think it went pretty well [in that case]. It was a great test of the tsunami system from what we do all the way down to mobilizing the people, and that is pretty rare.
On a Friday night, an engineer went to the board and wrote down the details of a convoluted problem we had with our ads system.
You can also replace a defective PCI hot plug adapter with another of the same type without shutting down the system.
Rather than being caused by an overenthusiastic immune system, milk intolerance, for example, results from a lack of the enzyme the body needs to break down lactose, the main sugar in milk.
A highly available database solution ensures that, should any integral part of your database solution go down, your system would seamlessly fail over to a backup.
Generally, a computer system is comprised of different "sub" systems so a programmer needs to have some design or top-down thinking skills to see the program from the larger picture.
In the case of a database, data used for offline processing (such as data warehousing) might slow down the system if stored along with data for online processing.
No question migrating birds are answering a command of nature, but now the bad news: There is growing evidence that the wiring is off; the system is breaking down.
BISAC levels of specificity complement Library of Congress Subject Headings, allowing patrons to drill down into a topic in an intuitive system of guided navigation.
This example illustrates why documenting various facets of a system software architecture is imperative to educate new team members and help them get started with minimum down time.
The first attempt to accelerate each of two opposing beams of protons to 3.5 TeV apiece failed when a power supply shut down inadvertently and a new magnet-protection system tripped, dumping the beam.
Perhaps more surprisingly, Robert Bosch, the world's biggest components company, agreed to supply a stripped-down version of its Motronic engine-management system.
Nothing will slow your system down like a virus, a Trojan horse, or other types of malware.
Sometimes the simple act of first making a to-do list helps the mind and nervous system wind down.
The Home Office consultation paper proposes a new category of "probationary citizen" whose application for a British passport can be speeded up or slowed down depending on the points system.
The focus on architecture is also a good way of taking a large problem and breaking it down into a series of smaller problems, by recursively decomposing the system into its constituent parts.
This pattern provides a more granular level of authorization than is typically provided by J2EE role-based authorization, getting down to the level of an individual object within a system.
This pattern provides a more granular level of authorization than is typically provided by J2EE role-based authorization, getting down to the level of an individual object within a system.