Surge is harmful to compressor, so it must be equipped with control system to avoid surge.
The realistic choice in China is to ap- ply reasonable policy system to avoid risk and obtain benefit.
He's concerned there are too many loopholes and too many people manipulating the system to avoid paying taxes.
For the rest of the 80% do what you can to avoid them, delegate them to someone else, or create a system to avoid doing them.
There is safe valve in the pump. It can protect the system to avoid damage at over pressure and it can be overflow automatically.
Owners must be aware of the effects that this may have on their boats and fit the correct cathodic protection system to avoid corrosion.
It's probably impossible to define a globally unique identifier syntax without some form of centralized registration system to avoid conflicts.
FAI (Fully Automatic Installation) is a non-interactive system to avoid the boring and repeating task of installing, customizing and managing Linux systems manually.
FAI (FullyAutomaticInstallation,完全自动安装)是一种无须交互就可以完成那些重复性枯燥乏味的、常常需要手动完成的Linux安装、自定义以及管理任务的自动化系统。
This article demonstrates how to set up your system to avoid or fix Linux system cannot mount rootfs errors and also provides background on the boot process of a Linux system.
本文演示了如何设置系统以避免或修正Linux系统的can notmount rootfs错误,并且还提供了Linux系统的引导进程的背景信息。
As a fundamental system to avoid moral danger by policy holder in insurance law, double insurance has importance significance for the realization of the function of insurance.
To sum up, journaling file systems are fault-resilient file systems that use a journal to log changes before they're committed to the file system to avoid metadata corruption (see Figure 1).
It is convenient and economical for us to use the groundwater recharge system to avoid the influence of dewatering. But at present, the design of recharge system still depends on experience.
If you use the device mapper multi-path (DMMP) tool for your multi-path storage, then you can use a friendly name for your root file system to avoid the device being renumbered by DMMP after reboot.
The frequencies of locomotive drive system and their mutual influence are analyzed. We sum up the parameter matching principle of drive system to avoid resonance on the saturated adhesion condition.
Banks can save a lot of money and avoid regulatory headaches by moving to a cash-free system, and they can also avoid bank robberies, theft, and dirty money.
One way to avoid accidentally including the same script twice is to implement a script management module in your templating system.
Our system is specifically designed to avoid inflated ratings because we use a blended score from other non-opaque sites, and only move our ratings down from there based on customer feedback.
To ensure fast recovery of the partition containing system catalog tables, avoid placing user tables on the same database partition.
This list of best practices should enable architects, system administrators, and application developers to avoid common mistakes and make optimal use of MQ in their solutions.
This pattern also helps to avoid any deadlocks in case the backend system USES transactions.
So the file system cache can help there quite a bit to avoid read and write operations on the disk.
The system also has software that helps it to avoid frequencies subject to interference, such as those used by local radio stations.
When the driver puts his foot on the brake pedal the system automatically applies the optimum pressure required to avoid hitting the car in front.
To avoid this situation, the system employs a tie-breaker node.
The first USES the Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) system to push the ZFS file system into user space to avoid the licensing issues.
第一种使用了用户空间文件系统(Filesystemin Userspace,FUSE)系统来推动ZFS文件系统到用户空间以便避免许可证问题。
While pledging to be extradiligent, Caruso says she'd like to avoid having the Michigan prison system defined by the actions of one parolee.
Fortunately, once you understand what causes this particular performance problem, it is possible to avoid it in your system.
But if you draw your own graphics and text, the appropriate system metrics must be queried in order to avoid arbitrary text truncation.
Disconnect the storage server from the SAN to avoid installation of the operating system on SAN disks, which are discovered first.
But now, she says the United States is taking a completely different set of actions because it wants to avoid paralysis of the entire financial system.