Before you go any further into this article, you should have a basic understanding of the BPEL, WS-C, and WS-T specifications, as many of the concepts from these specifications will be explored here.
在进一步学习本文之前,您应该对BPEL、WS - c和ws - T规范有一个基本的理解,因为我们将在这里探讨来自这些规范的许多概念。
Before you go any further into this article, you should have a basic understanding of the BPEL, WS-C, and WS-T specifications, as many of the concepts from these specifications will be explored here.
在进一步学习本文之前,您应该对BPEL、WS - c和ws - T规范有一个基本的理解,因为我们将在这里探讨来自这些规范的许多概念。