Really we should be highly critical otherwise, before we know it, we're singing the jingle, quoting the tag-line and buying the product.
Wanting to start a novelty store, Bernard and Murray bought the legal rights to the mark along with the now infamous tag-line, "Have a nice day."
The tag in line 12 contains one or more elements that define a specific service for the business.
The last line in the tag shows the GC cycle was completed in 26 milliseconds.
The fourth line in the tag shows the current heap size is roughly 6mb; in this GC cycle roughly 1.7 MB was freed and currently 31% of the heap is free.
标签中的第四行显示,当前堆的大小大约为6MB;在这个GC周期中,大约释放了1.7 MB的内存,目前,有31%的堆是空闲的。
The first line in the tag shows that the thread needed 32 bytes and it has been 286 milliseconds since the last memory allocation failure (i.e., since the last GC occurred).
For minor errors, such as a misspelled word, use the "strike" HTML tag to visibly put a line through the errant material - like this-and then add the correct word or words.
Since most of the workers employed on the project are day-laborers, the information on each worker's tag will be matched to the information in the database each evening as they line up to be paid.
In this instance you need to add another attribute to the tag, so change this line to read.
You're now ready to open the model tag, which is what's accomplished on the following line.
For each line of data returned by the data source, the while loop will take in the line as an object, and spit out a Zip tag with all the data in the database (see Listing 1).
Inside a row class, the label tag sets the text to bold and puts it back to the end of the line.
The following code for a JSP page invokes the table tag to display the Employee table (single line of code displayed on multiple lines for viewing convenience)
The status attribute in the <g:each> tag is a simple counter field. (Notice this value is used on the next line in a ternary statement that sets the CSS style to either even or odd.)
<g:each>标记的status属性是个简单的计数器字段(请注意这个值用在下一行的ternary语句中,用来将CSS样式设为even 或 odd)。
These calculations might be based on visibility (whether the tag is in the sensor's line of sight), the signal strength, or the amount of time it takes the signal to travel from the tag to the sensor.
The difference between a and a tag is that the former imposes a line break (like a paragraph), while the latter delineates a section of inline text.
As the automobile moves along the assembly line, an active RFID tag transmits its location.
This code fragment can be reduced back to a single line by moving the JSTL code into a reusable tag file that outputs the element.
PYX uses the first character of every line to represent a markup event such as an open-tag or attribute.
The next line lets the XML processor know that this is a SOAP envelope that wraps a UDDI-specific request inside the tag.
Writing a test for a simple one-line tag might seem excessive, but you'd be surprised how many times the one-liners end up being the source of trouble.
Switching over to use the task is as easy as flipping from to and providing the same command-line parameters as attributes to the task tag, as shown in Listing 3-2.
切换到使用任务,只要简单地把改成,然后把命令行参数套用为同名的属性,如代码段3 - 2所示。
This way, the document has an actual object that represents the line, the same way that a paragraph (p) tag represents a paragraph of content.
这样,文档就有了一个表示行的实际对象,同样,段(p )标记表示一段内容。
Forced line break — note that it doesn't require a closing tag.
The other iPhone-specific line in this partial layout file is the CSS stylesheet tag, which specifies a new iPhone-specific CSS file.
The UDDI-specific elements begin at line 4, where the
特定于UDDI 的元素开始于第 4行,在这一行里,
The break tag (br) is an excellent example of the differences between XML and HTML. This line break is well-formed HTML, but not well-formed XML.
It's better to list a few bullets with pointed achievements and a branded tag line stating, 'known for achieving XYZ.
The editor underlines the tag with a wavy line, indicating that the tag is not a recognized HTML tag.
To borrow a tag line from the author of twill, Dr. Titus Brown, "if you don't test your code, how you can say it works?"
在此引用twill的作者Titus Brown的话结束本文“如果没有测试代码,您怎么知道它能正常工作呢?”