The vast Tai lake makes people happy.
The eutrophication in Dian Lake, Tai Lake and Chao Lake remained fairly serious.
Wuxi Xiongda DigitalDisplay Equipment Comany is located near beautiful Tai Lake, Wuxi.
AIM in order to investigate the latent risk of Tai lake cyanobacteria blooms on mammals.
"Three Areas" are the Tai Lake Rim Area, the Riverside Town Area and the Ancient City Area.
I call to open the skill, in 1981 was born shore in the beautiful Tai Lake, land of plenty Wuxi.
The story of Wu, who has spent 30 years campaigning to clean up the Tai Lake near Shanghai, embodies this intolerance.
The ecological agriculture in Tai Lake area focused on local conditions, utilizing and increasing fertility of the lands.
The adjusted levee around Eastern Tai Lake is formed of cohesive hydraulic fills, which include lots of pebble-shaped clods.
The protection of water region environment of Tai Lake is one of the problems with interest of Jiangsu environmental circles.
Lakes Index of Eutrophication Extent of Eutrophication Tai Lake 60.93 Medium Chao Lake 58.31 Light Dian Lake (outer lakes) 66.12 Medium.
湖泊名称营养状态指数富营养程度太湖60.93中度富营养巢湖58.31轻度富营养滇池(外海) 66.12 中度富营养。
At Tai Lake, a veteran activist, Wu Lihong, was freed from prison in April after serving three years on what he says were trumped-up charges.
With Shanghai to its east, Tai Lake to the west, Hangzhou to the south and Suzhou to the north, the Town enjoys superior geographical situation.
The hotel is situated with has the exquisite lake and mountain scenery complementing each other and nearby bright humanities landscape famous scenic spot tai lake.
One is the walled-town, the other is the outskirt. As the greatest walled-town site of Xia and shang dynasty found in Tai lake Areas o far, it is valuable for the academic study.
Cyanobacteria bloom in Tai Lake, mainly composed of Microcystis aeruginosa, Anabaena flos-aquae and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, is one of the main pollutants in Tai Lake in summer.
Weidu village, located in Tai Lake region, as a representative of the developed rural areas was selected to investigate the dynamics of the output and composition of HSW in detail.
On the base of Analyzing inducting and summarizing, the writer will mainly discuss the influence of the Tai Lake basin water conservancy facility of Qing Dynasty to the society of Chiangnan.
The soil tenancy system was kept prospering in those country lying in the southern of the Tai Lake since the 16th century and it had been becoming a mainstream among the production connection.
Lake Tai is home to an extensive ceramics industry, including the Yixing pottery factory, which produces the world-renowned Yixing clay teapots.
The grotesque stones come from the nearby Lake Tai.
For more than 15 years, he collected water samples from Lake Tai in eastern China and submitted reports on its worsening condition.
He revealed hidden pipes that discharged black effluent from local factories into the river, which flows into Lake Tai.
The National Day holiday On National Day holiday, I went to Lake Tai with my family .
Before 6 a. m. every morning, street corners, parks and lake sides are a hive of activity as keep fit classes, Tai chi and personal exercise regimes are seen in abundance around the city.
For more than 15 years, he collected water samples from Lake Tai in eastern China and submitted reports on its worsening condition.
For more than 15 years, he collected water samples from Lake Tai in eastern China and submitted reports on its worsening condition.