The only problem is that right now very few compilers implement tail-call optimizations.
For those who actually like to mess with the low-level stuff, here is an assembly language template for an optimized tail-call.
The idea of removing stack frames after tail-calls is called tail-call optimization.
As you can see in order for the call to be a true tail-call, no other operation can be performed on the result of the tail-called function before it is passed back.
The last call (the tail) simply invokes the function without any procedure call or stack maintenance overhead.
For example, the print_report_i function described earlier compiled with tail-call optimization using -O2 on GCC 3.4 and therefore runs with a stack-size that is constant, not growing linearly.
例如,前面描述的 print_report_i函数在GCC 3.4 中使用-O2 进行尾部调用优化编译,因此运行时使用的栈的大小是固定的,而不是线性增长的。
It IS a long tail, certainly, 'said Alice, looking down with wonder at the Mouse's tail;' but why do you call it sad?
"It is a long tail, certainly," said Alice, looking down with wonder at the Mouse 'tail, "but why do you call it sad?"
Therefore, the small probability of extreme events of great value-the tail risks should call peoples' attention.
Therefore, the small probability of extreme events of great value-the tail risks should call peoples' attention.