Take the hit up front by putting the toxic assets into a "bad bank" that acts as a cordon sanitaire.
The bill also says creditors must take a "haircut" of up to 10% if a bank fails.
In turn, that may force bank executives to take more risk in order to earn back what they are paying depositors; after all, the insurance scheme will pick up the TAB if things go wrong.
As a testament to its significance, 19 companies, including Altria Group, Bank of America, General Electric, and Microsoft, are urging the court to take up the appeal.
In fact, a lower debt-to-equity ratio could actually lead a bank to take on more risks in order to make up for the loss of leverage.
The new capital buffer is intended to give bank supervisors a second tool: they can take away the punch bowl while the party is still in full swing or can top it up when the economy is slowing.
Another is to take the hit up front, by putting the toxic assets into a “bad bank” that acts as a cordon sanitaire.
Merely fulfilling the complex application procedure to open up on its own could take a bank five years, Mr Wu says. This deal should close by the end of 2007.
The World Bank said this week that earthquake and tsunami reconstruction could cost Japan up to $235 billion and take up to five years.
How to treat the intermediate business completely and correctly, and take up the business actively is a new topic our commercial bank encounters, since we joined the WTO.
Rather than setting up a "bad bank" to take these toxic assets off the Banks' balance-sheets, the Treasury has decided to turn itself, in effect, into a catastrophe insurer.
That looks skimpy. The bank says it would have plenty of time to build up capital through earnings or that it could take steps to free up capital through asset sales.
And then we'll take that money down to the bank, and we'll open him up a savings account.
Spain is setting up what has been called a bad bank to take over the toxic assets held by country's Banks following the property crash.
World Bank officials say the recent earthquake and tsunami could cost Japan's economy as much as $235 billion and recovery could take up to five years.
He made it up. He didn't leave a will, account empty, bank gonna take the house.
Open up your pantry and gather non-perishable items such as canned soups, beans, and pasta to take to your local food bank.
Open up your pantry and gather non-perishable items such as canned soups, beans, and pasta to take to your local food bank.