If necessary, just take a deep breath and smile before speaking.
If you are above those prices, you need to take a deep breath and lower your price.
Put your arms at your sides, take a deep breath and raise your hands above your head.
Take a deep breath and let us work these things out and everything will be all right.
I did just have to take a deep breath and push the publish button regardless of the fear.
Then the Eskimos take a deep breath and send the air out while holding their lipsclosed.
Take a deep breath and ask yourself: in the course of human events, how important is this?
If you feel like you've only done a few things, or none, take a deep breath and try harder.
When we feel defeated, we need only take a deep breath and say, "Yes," and hope will reappear.
The first move when you've been triggered is the simplest: take a deep breath and exhale slowly.
But if your orange boot wearer is your goalie, take a deep breath and get ready for a bumpy ride.
Sometimes I have to stop, take a deep breath and remind myself of the science that I know so well.
What we should do instead is take a deep breath and think of all possible consequences and implications.
When challenges arise, remain calm, take a deep breath and respond to it from a higher place within you.
It's always an option to take a deep breath and look at the trees instead of the worries inside your head.
One trick: when you FEEL like screaming, is precisely the time to take a deep breath and lower the decibels.
Doctor: Take it easy! Take a deep breath and don't get too upset. Well, tell me, where on earth is this pub?
The next time you try to win, take a deep breath and ask yourself: What am I trying to win and what's the point?
Then take a deep breath and get ready to walk through your next failure knowing you've already achieved success.
You take a deep breath and say, “I am here because I had an epiphany in which I saw, clearly, that the earth is not flat.
Get it out of your system. Then take a deep breath and consider how evolution affected a few specific body parts, and why.
Hope is always available to us. When we feel defeated, we need only take a deep breath and say, "Yes," and hope will reappear.
The birthday cake served at the party will have lit candles on it. The birthday boy or girl will take a deep breath and blow the flames out.
Sometimes I still get nervous and get those surreal moments when I think 'How did I get into this?', but I take a deep breath and it passes by.
Sometimes I still get nervous and get those surreal moments when I think 'How did I get into this?', but I take a deep breath and it passes by.