Take for example The Oxford English Dictionary citation dated 1646.
作为例子,我们在《 牛 津英语词典 》里找到一个年代为1646年的引语。
Take for example where PRG1 passes channel chan to PRG2 (See Figure 8).
Take for example: One of my friends sinks into a self-victimizing mode whenever we talk about his work.
Take for example, the iPhone IM client Palringo, they're just now adding location services to their application.
Take for example white balance. This has no meaning to a non-photographer as it is something unique to digital and needs to be mastered.
Take for example The Oxford English Dictionary citation dated 1646. It refers to King Richard II as being tantalized at Pontefract Castle.
Take for example, the launch of Apple’s MobileMe web service in 2008, which was riddled with bugs and an embarrassing e-mail blackout for thousands of customers.
Take for example, the launch of Apple's MobileMe web service in 2008, which was riddled with bugs and an embarrassing e-mail blackout for thousands of customers.
Take, for example, John Paulson, the hedge-fund guru who made billions of dollars predicting America's housing crisis.
Take, for example, the findings released in May of INTERPHONE, the largest and longest study ever conducted on whether — and by how much — cell phone use increases the odds of developing brain cancer.
Take, for example, the above photo of Gran Bahia Principe Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. Crowded with lots of chairs and lots of people, it's anything but deserted.
Take, for example, the statement that the Ryan plan would end Medicare as we know it.
Take, for example, a new study that shows that sugar pills work, even when patients know they're taking them.
Take, for example, the E. coli outbreak at a school in eastern Washington State in 1998.
Take, for example, a brilliantly designed site that routinely gives server errors, or times-out.
Take, for example, two well-publicised issues: the tussle over China's exchange rate policy and the Sino - Japanese row over disputed islands in the East China Sea.
Take, for example, the Oakland Press, a Michigan newspaper where circulation grew from 63, 000 to 68, 000.
Take, for example, Mercedes-Benz, a brand that in much of the world suggests moneyed respectability.
Take, for example, Ernst Haas's images of dramatic skies, the elements and the seasons.
Take, for example, the story t of one 10-year-old boy who decided to study judo despite the fact that the had lost his left arm in a devastating car accident.
Take, for example, a team that works with a domain industry consortia enumerated list (or any preexisting list) and adapts schema components for its use cases.
Take, for example, the read function call, which allows some number of bytes to be read from a given file descriptor.
Take, for example, a Giving Works item advertising that 10% of proceeds will be given to charity.
Take, for example, a Giving Works item advertising that 10% of proceeds will be given to charity.