We are being asked, and, in fact, the public is demanding that we take positive action.
The time of pure taking has gone by, we must take positive action to protect our environment.
The more you take positive action, the more fully you can shape your whole world into a beautiful and fulfilling place.
To our common homeland, let us all take positive action, so that Hill become more green, more blue days, water has become clearer.
The quicker you make the decision, the quicker you can move forward and take action on both the positive and negative results.
So how do you get it? You can't simply tell yourself to be positive. You must take action. Here are six practical strategies that work.
What am I planning for? Is there a positive output that's going to come out of this planning process? (If no, you should cut it short and take action)
In the same way, a small positive shift in your attitude can encourage you to take action when you previously were not inclined to do so.
With every action we take or don't take, there is risk - positive and negative.
Whether you initiate a creative project, apply for a promotion, hit your boss for a raise or look for a better job elsewhere, make sure you take some sort of positive action ASAP.
Security measures take a positive action in advance and treat criminal policy according to various person, to make up for the inadequacy of remedial penalty.
But Ramsey believes he can take a big positive from that fateful day and hopes to be back in action in the not-too-distant future.
Give-and-take account with the doctor By give and take account we mean sum total of positive and negative interplay of actions between two individuals as per the Law of action.
Give-and-take account with the doctor By give and take account we mean sum total of positive and negative interplay of actions between two individuals as per the Law of action.