Tired of waking up to the shriek of a buzzer or the irritating voice of the talk radio host?
The instant and anonymous connectivity of the Internet and talk radio became a hothouse for hate.
I think it's very unfortunate. Why lose the Christmas spirit? -seattle Talk Radio is getting an earful.
I think it 's very unfortunate. why lose the Christmas spirit? - Seattle talk radio is getting an earful.
Try to find a talk radio station or a station that has talk radio style programming rather than just music.
For more than a decade, these debates have taken place mainly on conservative talk radio and cable programs.
If you are too tired to actively practice just relax and listen to an English pop song or talk radio station.
On my way home from coaching basketball yesterday, I was listening to WGN, my favorite talk radio station out of Chicago.
But talk radio's audience share, the percentage was small, it shows on talk radio audience appeal is gradually decreased.
From talk radio to message boards to water coolers in the workplace, Iverson's departure has been controversial and a hot issue.
On the other hand, fewer than a third of people would be prepared to pay for social media, podcasts, news or talk radio, consumer generated video or blogs.
This was a different and more serious side of the Republicans than one finds at tax-protesting “tea parties”, on talk radio, or going rogue on a book tour.
On television and on talk radio there are two very distinct sides to the issue and I feel a lot of them fail to understand what responsibility is all about.
On television and on talk radio there are two very distinct sides to the issueand I feel a lot of them fail to understand what responsibility is all about.
在电视上和脱口秀频道中,对于责任这个词有两个完全不同的概念,我感觉他们其中有很多人完全不理解什么是责任。 。
In a modern age defined by blogs, talk radio and 24-hour cable news channels, it is hard to imagine the unifying effect on society of journalists like Cronkite.
And the deafing silence of blacks has drawn criticism on talk radio from some whites who say blacks have a double standard when victims of hate crime are whites.
It is a small anecdote, but it shows that insinuation, plus Internet gossip and talk radio slurs, can take hold in a country often surprisingly uninformed about those who would run it.
Because you can't drive a car and watch television at the same time, rush hour became radio's prime time, while music, talk, and news radio greatly enlarged their audiences.
But because you can't drive a car and watch television at the same time, rush hour became radio's prime time, while music, talk, and news radio greatly enlarged their audiences.
It is technically incorrect to talk about bat "radar", since they do not use radio waves.
He turned on the radio and fiddled with the knob until he got a talk show.
Traveling through the country a couple of weeks ago on business, I was listening to the talk of the late UK writer Douglas Adams' masterwork "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" on the radio.
If something happen in Iran, they write about it for many months and talk about on television, radio, newspapers.
If something happen in Iran, they write about it for many months and talk about on television, radio, newspapers.