Because Microsoft has been tanking in recent years.
Other plants can't do without tanking up loads of sunlight.
It seems like great news -so why are the stock markets tanking?
Barathrum is a strong DPS hero with limited tanking capabilities.
Bonds backed by subprime mortgages have continued tanking in 2009.
The tanking lasts about three weeks but changes according to the vintage.
Spiritual Attunement is a great mechanic for a tanking paladin who needs the mana and gets it from taking damage.
HERO demonstrated superb tanking skills and coupled with well executed formations they soon had us on the defensive.
It appeared Bryant, hurt by recent comments about his selfishness, was tanking the game to prove that the Lakers can't win without him.
There's no doubt about it. Times are tough right now. The economy is tanking, jobs are insecure, and the holidays are right around the corner.
There's no doubt about it. Times are tough right now. The economy is tanking, jobs are insecure, and the holidays are right around the corner.
En 13969:2004 Flexible sheets for waterproofing-Bitumen damp proof sheets including bitumen basement tanking sheets-Definitions and characteristics.
Times like this—jobs lost, stock prices tanking and the value of your house somewhere south of your purchase price—lead to problems in relationships.
There are still shamans out there who picked their class for its (now defunct) tanking niche. Some hunters liked Survival because it was the melee hunter.
Across the Sun Belt and in hard-hit industrial states such as Ohio and Michigan, tanking home mortgages combined with rising joblessness spell more trouble.
Another weakness of the Archer is that it does so much damage, and the threat system in FFXIV is so weird, that the Archer is always pulling threat and tanking MOBS.
We'd rather spend time tweaking and balancing one good tanking tree rather than having a tank always wondering if they picked the "correct" tree out of three possibilities.
I have tanked and healed a LOT on various classes and I feel pretty confident saying that tanking can be much harder than healing on some fights (on others it is reversed).
We think that adding another tanking class will make it easier for players to form viable groups for dungeons and raids, but that won't be at the expense of existing tanks.
This may seem unsurprising—who wants a job in finance when the market is tanking? But there are reasons to believe that these choices make a difference well into the future.
In general terms, the death knight can be considered a type of class that combines damage dealing and tanking, but naturally it will have an array of unique abilities as well.
We added that sigil and enchant because death knights had difficulty reaching the defense "cap" in part because they don't have shields, ranged weapons or often tanking weapons.
Unlike tanking, it is a harder problem to solve, in part because some healers like the way healing works now just fine thank you, and risk walking away from it if we make very dramatic changes.
All the tanking classes are now suitable as a main tank and their threat has been greatly increased to make fights more fun, fights are now more about skills than dying because of a random aggro.
Although a tanking economy has pushed these hardy perennials down the list, crime is still on Britons' minds, with a third of them saying it is one of the important issues facing the country today.
Tanking trash mobs in non-heroic 5-man instances usually qualifies as a low-rage situation, so a slow weapon would be beneficial, as long as it has base DPS comparable to that of your fast weapon.
Tanking trash mobs in non-heroic 5-man instances usually qualifies as a low-rage situation, so a slow weapon would be beneficial, as long as it has base DPS comparable to that of your fast weapon.