His telephone is usually answered by a tape-recorded voice, asking the caller to leave a message.
Since Dianetics, Hubbard's bizarre "philosophy" has expanded into a 25-million-word collection of books, articles and tape-recorded lectures.
Those who spoke on tape expressed their views freely, probably because the conversations were tape-recorded in their own work Settings without our presence and were not structured in any way.
Instead of discs, this device recorded on magnetic tape, which could be used again and again or be easily edited with scissors and glue.
Data from the LHC experiments is distributed around the globe, with a primary backup recorded on tape at CERN.
No. I lent him my favorite tape and he recorded over it. That really pissed me off.
All incoming and outgoing calls were recorded on tape and logged on paper.
The tape recorder has recorded his voice and the camera has recorded his features.
They thought the conversation that was recorded in the tape could help them to set Lincoln free.
That tape recorded the parting advice from her best friends.
The language teaching plays were put out live but also recorded in the studio on vedio-tape, so that they can be shown again and again.
With this system, the impact oscillogram of load vs time obtained and displayed by a digital storage oscilloscope are recorded on a magnetic tape.
Write enable: The condition that data can be recorded or written onto magnetic disc or tape.
The processing results can be displayed, printed or recorded on a cassette magnetic tape for later analysis.
If customer's data is recorded in tape (2d or 3d) and that needs re-drawing, it is also seen as designing product drawing by our company.
Usually when blunt and Arthur met, Arthur recorded the conversation openly on a hand tape recorder.
Someone proposed that the proceedings of the meeting should be recorded on tape, but the suggestion was voted down.
We tape recorded the Chinese meeting on the site, but due to the less access we had, the English meeting is extracted from a BBC business teaching program.
Using resistance strain gage, dynamic pressure sensor, slip ring and tape recorder, the blade vibration strain and exit pressure signals of rotor blades are recorded and then processed.
The image of the charges in the process of smelting at high temperature was recorded on video recorder tape or X-ray film.
They were recorded on 2-inch analog tape and stored for posterity.
As the War intensified in later years, these RRG concerts, recorded on Magnetophon tape, helped sustain public morale as the Reich drew nearer to its inevitable defeat.
Data is recorded on casette tape, and can be transferred into a micro-computer through special interface for further processing.
Well, we've learned that what you heard wasn't what they were playing but rather a recorded audio tape.
Each of the two cameras serially records 60 pictures per second. When the tape has been completed, the recorded three-dimensional images can be reproduced on a TV screen using a standard VCR.
In front of the tape recorder, I'm not able to say it, because what is recorded by the tape recorder will be kept in record.
In front of the tape recorder, I'm not able to say it, because what is recorded by the tape recorder will be kept in record.