Keystone XL would not only take more Canadian oil to America; via terminals on the Gulf of Mexico it could connect the tar sands with international markets as well.
Our known fossil fuel reserves are soaring. New finds of coal, natural gas, oil, tar sands, and oil shale keep growing, not declining.
True, alternative sources, like oil from Canada’s tar sands, have continued to grow. But these alternative sources come at relatively high cost, both monetary and environmental.
True, alternative sources, like oil from Canada's tar sands, have continued to grow. But these alternative sources come at relatively high cost, both monetary and environmental.
A containment pond holds tar sands tailings, consisting of a mixture of sand, water, and toxic chemicals that remain after the unrefined oil products have been extracted.
For those who exploit the tar sands, which contain the world’s second-largest trove of oil, this is a welcome forecast.
Environmentalists dislike the project chiefly because it would increase America's imports of oil from the tar sands of Alberta.
True, alternative sources, like oil from Canada’s tar sands, have continued to grow.
Its latest energy outlook, released last month, says only that conventional oil (as opposed to hard-to-extract sources like Canada's tar sands) is "projected to reach a plateau sometime before" 2030.
Unconventional oil won't save us: even a crash programme to develop the Canadian tar sands could deliver only 5m barrels a day by 2030.
And those from the tar sands could triple in the next decade, as more oil is extracted by steam-based methods.
An estimated 32 billion barrels of oil could potentially exist in Utah's tar sands.
There are also unconventional oil resources now being brought to the market, including shale oil from tar sands.
The proposed Keystone XL pipeline would carry heavier crude oil produced from tar sands in Canada.
Up north in the tar sands, many projects are being postponed, as the credit crunch adds to the woes caused by low oil prices and high Labour and material costs.
The gooey tar-sands of Canada contain almost as much oil as Saudi Arabia.
It would transport 525, 000 barrels of oil a day from Edmonton, near Alberta's tar sands, to the Pacific coast, where tankers would deliver them to Asia.
Transforming tar sands into crude is costly as well as dirty: the process only becomes profitable with oil prices in the $60-85 range or higher.
Extracting oil from tar sands causes more carbon emissions than traditional drilling.
There is oil aplenty of other sorts (tar sands, liquefied coal and so on), so the stuff is unlikely to run out for a long time yet.
The amount of gas used means that a barrel of Californian heavy oil gives the stuff from Canada's tar sands a run for its money in terms of associated greenhouse-gas emissions.
Greenhouse gas emissions of tar sands crude are 40% higher than conventional oil, and the open-pit mining has devastated Alberta's boreal forest.
THE latest print issue of The Economist features a comprehensive briefing on Canada's oil-producing tar sands.
More consolidation is expected among companies with resources in Alberta’s tar sands, which hold the world’s second-biggest oil reserves after Saudi Arabia.
That would give oil from the tar sands much easier access to refineries in Texas, even if the rest of the project remains in limbo.
Since oil and water do not mix the ingredients of these tar sands formed an unusual arrangement.
The proposed Keystone XL pipeline would carry heavier crude oil produced from tar sands in Canada. Ms.
The proposed Keystone XL pipeline would carry heavier crude oil produced from tar sands in Canada. Ms.