The risk of money laundering by virtual currency is also studied, and regulatory approach is raised. Virtual currency brief tax program is raised against to the latest virtual currency taxation.
In order to raise revenue, the federal government planned a tax amnesty program that allows tax delinquents to pay all owed tax without added financial penalty.
That means looking at every program and tax break in the budget - every single one - to find places to cut waste and save money.
The introduction of the property tax in Chongqing and Shanghai is a pilot program. If it works well, the tax will be adopted across the country.
This problem was temporarily fixed by the 1603 Treasury grant Program (TGP), which provides developers with the option to receive a cash grant in lieu of the tax credits.
这个问题暂时通过“1603财政部资助项目【1603 Treasury Grant Program (TGP)】”得到了解决,它为开发商提供的选择是让其接受现金拨款以代替税收抵扣。
The Earned Income Tax Credit, begun in 1975 and expanded several times since then, does just that, and has been the country’s best anti-poverty program.
And coverage under HP’s standard expat tax equalization program in the event he moves to France or Belgium.
根据惠普标准出国税务均衡计划(expat tax equalization program),李艾科将获前往法国和比利时所产生费用的补助金。
That means looking at every program and tax break in the budget – every single one – to find places to cut waste and save money.
That means looking at every program and tax break in the budget –every single one –to find places to cut waste and save money.
Amazon's experimental "Fresh" grocery program is now active in Seattle, where the company already collects sales tax.
The plan also reduces teacher pay if students fail to improve on statewide tests. A local tax increase pays for the program.
Even today, it is an impressive technology, and one that was nurtured for years by America's tax dollars - it originated as a program in the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
For example, a flight instructor could test a flight simulator game, an accountant could test tax preparation software, or a teacher could test a new child education program.
Although administered through the tax system, it is now the most important program for cash transfers to the poor.
The prosecutions are widely seen to be fruit of the US Internal Revenue Service's effort to mine data drawn from its 2009 tax amnesty program.
Combined with the related policies of VAT program, this paper analyzes the impact of VAT program from tax burden, the industrial environment and structure, financial accounting three aspects.
According tothe exposure draft of the transition program, after the transition frombusiness tax to value-added tax(VAT), the VAT type revenue may be divided into50-50 by the central and local.
I confirm my application for "Happy Tax" Program. I have read and understood the terms and conditions attached and I agree to be bound by them.
I confirm my application for "Happy Tax" Program. I have read and understood the terms and conditions overleaf and I agree to be bound by them.
Reagan based his economic program on the theory of supply-side economics, which mandated reducing marginal tax rates to encourage people to work harder and longer.
The Chinese Government has introduced a massive tax-cut program, which will reduce the tax burdens on businesses and individuals by about RMB 500 billion each year.
The Chinese Government has introduced a massive tax-cut program, which will reduce the tax burdens on businesses and individuals by about RMB 500 billion each year.