Some places (America, Ireland and Spain) give tax relief on mortgage-interest payments.
Mrs. Green sustained an actual loss when she had to make mortgage repayments without any tax relief.
Employees could, in effect, make pensions contributions when they felt flush and still get tax relief.
That has not appeased nervous politicians who see tax relief as the quickest route to electoral relief.
To grow the economy and help American families, we acted by passing the largest tax relief in a generation.
The tax relief stimulated economic vitality and growth and it has helped increase revenues to the Treasury.
A survey of British savers by Aegon, an insurance company, found that few understood the concept of tax relief.
Interviewed on Fox News, Cantor said there were some proposals he could support such as tax relief for small business.
General income-tax rules are also twisted so as to give tax relief based on the value of goods or services each firm exports.
This tax increase would put jobs and economic growth at risk. So it is critical that Congress make this tax relief permanent.
Even with the tax relief we put in place, a family with two kids that earns the minimum wage still lives below the poverty line.
Therefore, we shouldnt use the tax relief policy to stimulate demand, but should keep or raise the percentage of tax in the GDP.
That suggests a total for clean-up costs and damages of $20 billion and fines of up to $17 billion (again, assuming no tax relief).
And today, thanks to the tax relief and the efforts of America's workers and entrepreneurs, our economy is strong and growing stronger.
It will provide tax credits to companies that hire new workers, tax relief to small business owners, and tax cuts for the middle class.
The only obstacle standing in the way of middle-income tax relief are the Republicans unwillingness to ask the top 2% to pay their fair share.
The other day, Senator McCain gave a speech to the Small Business Summit, where he attacked my plan to provide tax relief for the middle class.
The only obstacle standing in the way of middling come tax relief are the republicans on wealthiest to ask the top 2% to pay their fair share.
Corporate earnings should benefit from lower borrowing costs, tax relief (as part of the fiscal measures) and cheaper oil and other commodities.
No House Republican voted for the bill; they and Senate Republicans alike maintain the bill contains wasteful spending and insufficient tax relief.
Defining the event week around the announcement of the tax relief act, we examine the dividend tax cut effect on stock prices in the United States.
Ms Merkel managed to push through 8.5 billion euro in tax relief for families and a reduction in value-added tax for hotel stays towards the end of 2009.
Were it not for the tax relief they receive, contributors to personal pension plans would have been better off keeping their money under their mattresses.
Slashing support for renewable energies and providing tax relief for heavy, energy-intensive industries will only increase Britain's reliance on fossil fuels.
Many have not forgiven him for a paltry increase in the basic state pension in 2000, or for removing a tax relief enjoyed by private pension funds three years earlier.
American housing would, unfortunately, still have lots of props-agencies such as the Federal housing Administration and subsidies like tax relief on mortgage interest.
American housing would, unfortunately, still have lots of props-agencies such as the Federal housing Administration and subsidies like tax relief on mortgage interest.