Linear temporal logic is an established discipline.
And that's because of the temporal logic that's how the logic of time works.
We present a dense timed interval temporal logic and exploit the decidability problem of DTITL.
Three temporal logics i. e. first-order predicate calculus, modal logic and reified logic are discussed.
The aim of this article is to establish the completeness theorem of elementary first-order temporal logic.
The systems are usually described by the timed automata and the properties are specified by the temporal logic.
We may also use the first-order temporal logic to set some specific formal systems for various fields of studies.
Temporal logic is a branch of Philosophical logic, which investigates the proposition and inference including time.
Introducing temporal logic in discrete mathematics and foundations courses offers some tools to reason about concurrency.
Temporal Logic with Constrained Events(TLCE) has been proposed to represent test purpose for testing of concurrent systems.
In this paper, we design and implement a method of producing test oracle from program's LTL (Linear Temporal Logic) property.
Authors establish an interval-gap-based temporal logic after giving the interval-gap-based representation of temporal knowledge.
Finite state machine is refers to the output depends on the past input part and the current input portion of temporal logic circuit.
As is inherited from modal logic and another extension of mathematic logic, temporal logic assertion inference can solve such problems.
In order to avoid past protects the change may cause confusion and temporal logic to collapse, Hudson gold to fly to plan for the future.
He constructed several software development environments using the tools that included a set of hierarchical languages based upon temporal logic.
Compared with propositional temporal logic, it can accurately describe the time feature of digital circuits and support discrete and continuous time structure.
Using temporal logic and algebra, a formal requirement language was presented and used to describe the formal hierarchy requirements for cryptographic protocols.
XYZ/E is a temporal logic system as well as a programming language. It can represent almost every kind of significant features in conventional imperative languages.
After the study on the problems of formal specification and verification for network protocols, this paper gives out a general model system based on the temporal logic.
Aiming at the problems of verifying PNO, this paper introduces temporal logic to PNO model and presents a modeling and verifying method based on PNO with precise marking.
The tool Mr Barth is employing to effect this transition is linear temporal logic, a system of mathematical logic that can express detailed constraints on the past and the future.
A new idea is presented to introduce the linear temporal logic (LTL) technology and analog information into a fault diagnosis system for high voltage (HV) transmission lines.
The temporal logic system is proposed to describe the concepts of faults, inter the attributes of faults with their correlation and classes, and predict what faults will happen.
Behavior modeling method based on LCTL (linear colored temporal logic) is put forward, three different models of action activity and behavior are built and an example is presented.
These works indicate that the alternating-time temporal logic (ATL) logic based on game is more suit-able to describe and analyze complex e-commerce protocols than traditional CTL.
结果表明基于博弈的AT L逻辑比传统的基于计算树逻辑(CTL)更适合于描述和分析复杂电子商务协议。
Open temporal logic introduces new path operators to specify internal parts and external parts, and introduces one new temporal operator to ensure some invariants during some external actions.
A method for modeling imprecise temporal aspects of discrete-event systems, extended interval temporal logic, is proposed, which is an extension of the traditional point-interval temporal logic.
Having the Promela code describing the component behavior, one can efficiently check for the behavior compatibility and LTL (Linear Temporal Logic) properties of cooperating software components.
The XYZ/ADL provides features that are acknowledged widely in software engineering community. · This thesis defines temporal logic semantics for UML activity diagrams and Statecharts using XYZ/E.