The bike brakes don't work. If you ride downhill, you'll be tempting fate.
For over 180 years, people have been tempting fate in an attempt to conquer their fears and the Falls.
To avoid tempting fate, you must perform tasks like these on a different thread, or at least not on the main UI thread.
Some of Bear Stearns's more superstitious traders even objected to the strategy's name: They were tempting fate by invoking chaos.
But HP is surely tempting fate by appointing a fourth outside CEO (or near-outsider, given that she has spent a few months on the board).
This phrase is almost like a verbal talisman, designed to ward off bad luck after tempting fate: "Breaking that mirror didn't bring me any trouble, knock on wood."
It WAS tempting fate to call an ambitious new aircraft the "Dreamliner". A combination of radical technology and a novel outsourced system of manufacture has turned the Boeing 787 into a nightmare.
It WAS tempting fate to call an ambitious new aircraft the "Dreamliner". A combination of radical technology and a novel outsourced system of manufacture has turned the Boeing 787 into a nightmare.