Those terminally ill patients should have the right not to receive treatment and die as a result.
When people get seriously sick, they are often transferred to a hospital, where children are usually unwelcome and forbidden to visit terminally ill patients.
When they get sick, we transfer them to a hospital, where children are forbidden to visit terminally ill patients - even when those patients are their parents.
Yet when it comes to the necessity of extending the life of the terminally ill patients, some people, including some doctors, say that the quality of life is as important as life itself.
This showed that when doctors had frank conversations about the end of life with terminally ill cancer patients, the patients typically chose not to request very intensive medical interventions.
Terminally ill cancer patients are considered to be immunosuppressed, but the surgical specimens studied in this trial were from patients who expected to be cured by their surgery.
Terminally ill cancer patients are considered to be immunosuppressed, but the surgical specimens studied in this trial were from patients who expected to be cured by their surgery.