Now the terms of trade have reached new heights.
Improvement in terms of trade is limited as competition erodes price.
On China's terms of trade so as to start a comprehensive study of the system.
But thanks to its improved terms of trade, Australia gets more for its wares than it did.
Gross Barter terms of trade is the quantity of imports divided by the quantity of exports.
However, the terms of trade directly decides how much a country gained from the international trade.
In international trade, exchange rate and terms of trade are two important indicators of relative price.
On May 9th the bank gave warning that ever-improving terms of trade were putting more upward pressure on prices.
Terms of trade, exchange and interest rates and money movements are more important than the production of goods.
For example, in the case of an improvement in the terms of trade, export prices increase relative to import prices.
In the model, there are three fundamentals determined, they are labor productivity, terms of trade, real money supply.
It is mainly caused by fluctuations in commodity prices, and there is no oblivious sign of decline in terms of trade volume.
Between 2004 and 2010 the real appreciated by 35% against the euro. Over the same period Brazil's terms of trade improved by 27%.
The terms of trade have shifted swiftly and sharply against Mr Murdoch in a way that Hosni Mubarak might appreciate (see article).
Wage indexation has slowed the adjustment of real wages to changes in the terms of trade and has made it harder to reduce inflation.
We expect some softening in upstream commodity prices as China demand cools in 2005, which will help restore margins and terms of trade.
The top five lines in terms of trade volume are ceramics for daily use, hard wares, textile& clothing, machinery equipment and footwear.
Even so, the crisis will leave a lasting mark on the terms of trade between banks and the taxpayers who periodically come to their rescue.
This article studies the terms of trade from a different point of view, the impact of technological innovations on the terms of trade effects.
Income terms of trade: the net barter terms of trade weighted by the volume of exports. It gives an indication of the purchasing power of exports.
Written negotiations often begin with enquires made by the buyers to get information about the goods to be ordered including all the terms of trade.
Not all is gloom. Despite a rise in the yen, Japan’s terms of trade have been helped by sharp falls in the price of energy, almost all of which Japan imports.
Australia, it said, was experiencing a "large expansionary shock from the terms of trade at a time when there are relatively modest amounts of spare capacity".
First, only the most blinkered liberal could deny that the terms of trade in the debate between freedom and order have become more favourable to the latter.
If the home industry makes too much, it will depress the price of its exports on world markets, damaging the country's terms of trade, and hurting workers.
Mr Bernanke noted Tuesday that the America's persistent trade deficit and the recent deterioration in its terms of trade were reason enough for the dollar to fall.
Mr Bernanke noted Tuesday that the America's persistent trade deficit and the recent deterioration in its terms of trade were reason enough for the dollar to fall.