By contrast, India's flourishing capital has been spared a big terrorist incident for the past three years.
Mr. Cameron called the killing "appalling, " saying there are strong indications it was a terrorist incident.
The explosion at a bus in Changsha city caused the social panic, and it is a typical individual terrorist incident.
American security officials have pressed companies to keep records because they may hold clues after a terrorist incident.
The Wall Street bombing was a terrorist incident that occurred at 12:01 pm on September 16, 1920 in the Financial District of New York City.
Relations with rival Pakistan have modestly improved despite the November 2008 terror attack on Mumbai, the worst terrorist incident in the world since 9/11.
尽管2008年11月在孟买发生了继9 11以来发生的最严重的恐怖事件,印度与敌对国巴基斯坦的关系已经得到适度改善。
In addition, some of the international instability factors, such as "9.11" incident, international terrorist attacks, SARS events and the financial crisis, cause impact to international tourism.
In addition, some of the international instability factors, such as "9.11" incident, international terrorist attacks, SARS events and the financial crisis, cause impact to international tourism.