His work is to test out new designs of cars before they are put on the market.
They test out new ideas, behaviors, or approaches.
Boot up your Web server and test out the JSP page for yourself!
Then, we'll be ready to test out LVM and get the most out of it.
然后,我们准备对LVM 做一些测试来充分了解它。
Zeigarnik went back to the lab to test out a theory about what was going on.
To test out and run the PDF viewer application, complete the following steps.
The easy way to test out your new library is to build and run one of the samples
You will then test out the ODR to make sure that requests are routed correctly.
You can test out the page by simply filling out the form and pressing Add Message.
Last week, I was invited to test out the free service, which is currently in beta in the US.
Sample OData online services (northwind, etc) - open a browser and test out an OData service.
To test out a phone-based application, you obviously need a phone, and that implies a number to call.
We are going to add RESTdoc comments to our Groovy scripts so we can test out our HTTPD interface.
After the code changes are made I need to start the server so that I can test out the HelloWorld application.
Thanksgiving is an ideal time to test out new vegetarian recipes that could quickly become everyday favorites.
Races allow you to practise running in crowds, test out your fuelling strategy and get to grips with pre-race nerves.
In fact, the prototype Air Force outfit used to test out the gear is more garage nightmare than Hollywood blockbuster.
With these rules encoded into the JET templates, you are pretty much done, and you can now test out the transformation.
I decided to test out some ideas for Valentine's Day pancakes but all I could come up with is an arrow through a heart.
Minimum effort to put something out there, so you can test out whether your intuition was right, validate your ideas.
Rather than trying to figure it all out on paper or in your head, get out into the real world and test out your rough ideas.
We don't really want to use an applet for the UI of our final application, but it provides an easy way to test out the code.
Note: you can delete the existing records in the product table that you imported from the old database to test out the code.
During the pilot program, businesses and developers can test out the OS on their own reference notebook, the CR-48 by signing up.
在这些现行的程序中,商业以及开发者们可以在注册后用获得的自己的参考型笔记本——CR - 48来测试这个操作系统。
I'm most interested to test out the online play to see how the Wii handled ten systems connecting for a single game experience.
It's also up to you whether you test out your programs on a remote server (at your company or an ISP), or on your local machine.
Let’s test out the search features of the portlet we built. At the top of the portlet, select the Search button as shown in Figure 30.
test out the complete functionality of the site, all forms included, as well as last minute compatibility issues on different browsers.
You won't be able to test out Flash, for example, but luckily, you can install all manner of other apps. Here's how, according to Google.
You won't be able to test out Flash, for example, but luckily, you can install all manner of other apps. Here's how, according to Google.