Usually I marked the day by doing some community service work, but I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the District of Columbia for being my home for eight years.
Munchkins: we thank you very sweetly for doing it so neatly.
And I also thank our heroes - the health workers around the world - for all they are doing.
Even on the days when it seems your children or husband are doing everything wrong, find a reason to thank them. Take the time and energy to look for the good.
Thank you for doing so much to make my trip to New York interesting (pleasant) (resultful).
Personally thank employees for doing a good job-one on one, in writing, or both.
Lastly, my dear Polish readers, thank you for reading my book. Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, I hope you have a beautiful day!
Thank you for telling me what you like doing?
Thank you very much for your letter of... as we have not have the pleasure of doing business with you, would you please supply us with references.
Thank you. Thank you for that introduction. First, I should say a few words about who I am and what on earth I'm doing up here.
By doing so you will hasten the time when we can have a greater degree of contact with you, and we thank you for your patience.
We had oi families come from neighboring cities and towns and thank us for doing what we do and giving them another way to show support for a family member with oi.
I want to thank the city of Shanghai, the Shanghai Sharks and the CBA league for doing everything they could to prepare me.
You don't have to thank him for doing that "favor" for you. He did it for his own ends.
This part's important, because we all remember to beat up on ourselves for failing but forget to take a moment to thank ourselves for doing well.
Thank you, my daughter, not only to thank you for doing all this for me, but also to thank you teaching me how to love!
Thank you for the concern, thanks for your help, I thank you for doing STH. Please accept my best wishes for your new peace and happiness.
Even on the days when it seems your children or husband are doing everything wrong, find a reason to thank them. Take the time and energy to look for the good.
Let's thank God together today for the wonders he is doing through all who serve the church worldwide and through the prayers and gifts of God's people.
I want to thank the city of Shanghai, the Shanghai Sharks and the CBA league for doing everything they could to prepare me.
"Thank you so much for doing that." Mark's mother said. "As you can see, Mark behaved better and better at school."
We are doing a project about cruise tour, and would like to invite everybody to fill this questionnaire to help us make our project better. Thank you very much for your help!
We are doing a project about cruise tour, and would like to invite everybody to fill this questionnaire to help us make our project better. Thank you very much for your help!