When you walk past those soft drink machines, you're being marketed to even if you don't buy it because it's that big colorful thing that stands out.
Children can be careless about things like that, and he won't make a big fuss about it unless it becomes a regular thing.
Perhaps a new phrase is needed, one that can bring everyone one big step closer to realizing Du Bois's original, idealistic hope: "It's not the name—it's the Thing that counts."
The big thing to keep in mind with RSA in the real world is that all of the Numbers involved have to be big to make things really hard to break using the best algorithms that we have.
The wonderful thing about the service is that big corporations have an incentive to donate more to charity.
In January, it was obvious that TV vendors saw 3dtv as "the next big thing" to keep people buying new TVs and to get early adopters to replace their newly-purchased flat panels with 3d models.
One of the big assumptions brought into this debate is that forking is a bad thing.
Now, maybe you think that what I'll call the Goldman Sachs model of banking is no big thing. Maybe you think it's been around forever.
I hope this isn't as big of a revelation to you as it was to me! That the only thing standing in your way is excuses.
I eat the same thing most days: foods I like that are both healthy and filling (oatmeal, garlic, broccoli, big salads, etc.).
The excitement as well as the confusion had started in 2006, when a young website, YouTube, shot out of nowhere to become that year’s “next big thing”.
"I'm always optimistic that every little thing we do is going to make a big impact," said Allman, a professor at Florida Gulf Coast University.
Augustine says, the sky, when you look up at the sky you see that blue thing, that big blue dome that's above you.
Which would you rather have to write and maintain: a big class or a small one that does the same thing?
"And the big thing that made a difference in the ability to find that out was the genome sequence of the aphid was completed recently," she says.
But I know that search is not a simple thing and that some big players are really getting excited about it. Perhaps someone slaving away in a garage will find something.
For example, by trying make an interface clear, you may be adding too many descriptions and explanations, that end up making the whole thing big and bulky.
It's a small thing that was big: she showed she had the confidence to be in charge because she knew she was surrounded by people who would support her.
It's widely believed that networks of sensors feeding data into computers for analysis and visualization are going to be a big thing in the near term future.
The important thing here is that, architecture is required because the solutions (services) have to fit into the big picture.
OLDER people in particular are often taken aback by the speed with which the Internet's "next big thing" can cease being that.
The second big thing that leaps out from the list is the need for developer documentation.
This trend towards mobile usage is fuelling speculation that the next big thing will be geo-networking apps, which use virtual data to broker real-world encounters.
The most remarkable thing about that figure, though, is not how big it is, but that it is smaller than it was two years ago.
"I went to [a store] and we spent half an hour in the toy section looking for a big box of Legos and spent the rest of the night building that thing," he says.
"I went to [a store] and we spent half an hour in the toy section looking for a big box of Legos and spent the rest of the night building that thing," he says.