That is all for now beloveds, I know this is short and brief, but we must have some security to our plans.
Reasonably accurate for the time, that is quite close to today's value of 149,597,870 km, determined by radar, which has now superseded transits and all other methods in accuracy.
This is a concept that all programmers are familiar with, but we now have a name for it.
Now that the puzzle is built, I scan it for words and calculate the fitness of all the cells based on the words they have formed.
But what this means is that, although the public now accepts the need for intervention and peacekeeping, the support is not all that solid.
For now, let us agree that leadership is something that we all understand, whether we can define it formally or not.
Obviously I am disappointed that my playing days are at an end, however it comes to us all, and it's knowing when that time is and for me that time is now.
This is beyond the scope of this article so, for now, just accept that the default category can provide all of the services required for any category.
Now that the brakes are coming on in China, however, a ripple effect is inevitable as demand for oil, iron ore and all the other commodities required to industrialise the country shrinks.
Parent alert: the Walt Disney Company is now offering refunds for all those "Baby Einstein" videos that did not make children into geniuses.
Now this is something that we just take for granted when we read poems. All poems for us are to some degree dramatic monologues on the model of Browning and others in the nineteenth century.
Is it any less compelling a moral obligation, in the name of all children now and in the future, to report that we are on track to hand over a planet that may be destroyed for generations to come?
The result is that where once we looked at money, cars and houses as the symbols of success, now, it's all about how busy you are--especially for women.
This is also thanks to an extraordinary scientific effort: the rapid development of two new polio vaccines that are now available for use by all countries.
Now all that remains is for Mr Obama to persuade nearly 30 other countries with stocks of highly enriched uranium, not to mention his own electorate, to do the same.
Low interest rates are making life difficult for investors who need steady income streams. But that is now, and investing -- like farming -- is all about anticipating the next season.
Now that you know what it takes to create content for the three basic types of devices, all you need to do is figure out how to serve it up on demand.
About now, new CEO Gorman is probably learning that the meager profits of a retail brokerage can't pay for all those monster Wall Street bonuses.
The committee endorses Obama's appeal that 'Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges'.
So for now, all you can do is try – and if that doesn’t work, try again.
That valuations are high for companies that either make only a little money now or none at all is undeniable.
For instance, if I wanted to change the sound that the cat is making, my God, now I have to change it on three places but like 30 places if all I've done is copy and paste.
Now therefore let not my lord the king take the thing to his heart, to think that all the king's sons are dead: for Amnon only is dead.
The job now is to explain to Russia that this may not have been such a victory for machismo, after all.
The job now is to explain to Russia that this may not have been such a victory for machismo, after all.