What happened all those centuries ago was wrong, and it is time to right that wrong.
If the answer to the previous question is yes, I can then reasonably infer to a conclusion that all the theory of "invisible hand" by Adam Smith must be wrong.
All I know is that constantly worrying about the future and what could go wrong creates massive stress and unhappiness.
Nothing is wrong with this code at all; it's just that instead of persisting XML, you really persist data and stuff it in XML, all in one step.
这段代码并没有任何错误;我们只是将数据持久化存储于XML 中,所有操作都在一步之内完成。
Even in something as simple as' Do I have my hat on right? ' 'Is everything okay?' and they say 'You have to button that,' and 'You've got it all wrong!'
You're begging the question-well hang on a second why should I believe capital punishment is wrong on the bases of these two premises I don't accept that one at all because you're just assuming.
But what if the basis for all this stress and disappointment-the idea that getting into an elite college makes a big difference in life-is wrong?
But what if the basis for all this stress and disappointment-the idea that getting into an elite college makes a big difference in life-is wrong?
Yes, there are children raised by single parents through all sorts of circumstances, but when you are talking about deliberately creating children in that way, that is morally wrong.
He noted that while freshwater is essential to humans and ecosystems, the rain is falling in all the wrong places, for all the wrong reasons.
We wait for that place magically to change what's wrong in our lives. What we forget is that we take ourselves and all of our baggage with us wherever we go.
Fortunately, decades of research suggest that the belief in fixed ability is completely wrong; abilities of all kinds are profoundly malleable.
The problem with trying to reduce carbon emissions, they argue, is that the incentives are all wrong.
Key question: How can you be sure that all members on your team are thinking the same overall design at inception rather than finding out the design is wrong at deployment?
Ironically, Pluto is so itteh bitteh that it doesn’t really affect Uranus or Neptune at all: Lowell was wrong on that count, which makes it even more amazing that Tombaugh found the darn thing.
The emerging conventional wisdom, if what I heard is any indication, is that Mr. Bernanke has been fighting the wrong enemy all along: inflation, not financial collapse, is the real threat.
There is nothing wrong with being passionate, but the belief that any one of these technologies, frameworks, design patterns or languages can solve all your problems on every project is misguided.
Now all is dashed wrong by the fool's craving to hear evil of self, that haunts some people like a demon!
And he will send, at the end of the days, the Mahdi, on a white horse with a sword of fire, to put the rich in their place and correct all that is wrong with the world.
The real problem, he contended, is that Banks all over the world made wrong-headed loans that have now come back to haunt them.
Most important of all, however, is the behavior of ordinary Japanese citizens, whose calm resilience has shown that Mr. Ishihara's words of disdain were not just foolish, and primitive, but wrong.
Nearly all of that is wrong, according to a paper published in today’s issue of Science.
LISTEN to some Americans and you might believe that the under-valued yuan is the source of all that is wrong in the 50 states.
Some level of proof is needed that a single wrong (say, a biased promotion test) affected them all: a "culture of bias" is not enough.
Some level of proof is needed that a single wrong (say, a biased promotion test) affected them all: a "culture of bias" is not enough.