An email arrived on Thanksgiving Day that made me realize we all have much to be thankful for.
It was this glorious lit-up sky, following the torrential rain, that made me realize what a miracle this life is.
Then he said a lot of boring things that made me realize I wouldn't mind if some of my cell-phone calls didn't go through.
In the end, I went to Thailand and had one of the turning points in my life that made me realize world travel is something I'm truly passionate about.
The other day I was reading Leo's post on disadvantages of long emails and that made me realize that I am not the only one who has this bad habit of (sometimes) writing long emails.
The Marine Corps experience launched my machinist career. It also made me realize that learning how-to-learn is a powerful tool.
My dad's words made me realize that my earnings might not be mine to do with as I wished.
He made me realize that if I work hard enough, there will be things I can do tomorrow that I can't do today.
But being discovered that way made me realize what a terrible thing I had done in cheating on her, and cheating on my own boyfriend, too.
“J made me realize that you can’t give up, ” To says. “So he saved my life, too.”
It also made me realize that we need to think about how and when we should adopt new methods, especially when they require a new way of thinking.
I realize that I've made some sweeping generalizations in this column, and you may disagree with me.
Living abroad has largely lightened my attachment to places and things and made me realize how much it is the people that matter.
The other day a reader wrote in asking if cloud computing could help save his hard drive space, which made me realize that it’s time to talk about exactly what this moronic buzzword really means.
It made me realize for thefirst time that I live in a country with an ideology that is based on atotal and complete lie.
This has made me realize that there are really two types of self-employed people in the world.
“There was just no question in my mind that I would do anything I could, including switch places with Marjorie, ” he says. “It made me realize how much I loved her.”
It made me realize that many of us generate unnecessary baggage with negative situations in life, and it's all about taking action to create the lives that we want.
I spend most of my time thinking about happiness, not its opposite, and this discussion has made me realize that I need to do more research in this area.
It made me realize for the first time that I live in a country with an ideology that I based on a total and complete lie.
It was the midterm which made me realize that more freedom stands for more responsibility, indeed.
That individual made me realize how for granted we take certain things in life which for other make a critical difference at times.
They made me realize that my work does not end with the school I helped build, the holes I helped dig, or the roads I helped widen.
"It made me realize that you can't judge anyone - especially your parents - for what they've done in their past, because people change," she says.
But God didn't intend me to be chained to the treadmill of perfection for His sake. I came to realize that he loves me simply because he made me.
I'd do everything for you, love, you know that, Maybe you didn't realize, but you made me every day a joyous moment and a happy occasion.
It made me realize how easy it would be to build bikes now that we have ready access to headsets, Bottom Brackets (BBs) and wheels.
The manager has come to realize that just what a wise decision he made by recruiting me in the first place.
The manager has come to realize that just what a wise decision he made by recruiting me in the first place.