Sometimes something that makes no sense, is completely off topic, or just utterly stupid gets the best laughs.
That makes no sense, all the more so given that old forests are better at storing carbon than new ones.
That makes no sense. Arizona’s mechanism means more candidates — not just the wealthy — will be able to run in elections.
The dictionary said that no one knows if that is the real meaning of "tip", but it makes sense to me.
It makes no sense at all given that you don't want to "Bring home to Mama."
Since then, so many other examples have been discovered that it no longer makes sense to say that evolution is as good as irreversible.
To me this makes no sense. If other people become wealthier than you, that is no reason to be unhappy.
His record for France is not fantastic (14 goals in 64 appearances), but considering his ability, that statistic makes no sense at all.
Derrida is claiming that language is different in the sense that it makes no sense to talk about it as standing outside of what's going on.
Given that there is no specification available of this feature, and it is deprecated, it makes all kinds of sense for people not to implement it.
The result is that it no longer makes sense to name queue managers in a business context; for example, by application name.
It makes no sense at all to let market forces destroy a precious ecosystem that we all need for our survival and yet somehow we are letting it happen.
Society is already so fragmented, she argues, that it makes no sense to add another division setting women against everyone else; this is a time for everyone’s freedoms, not women’s in particular.
It’s really over glamorized here, and that stupid doily cloth thing makes no sense, and doesn’t really enhance the PSP or game play experience.
As you can see, there is no single solution, and other combinations of tokens could be used, but it's important that you clearly identify where it makes sense to use an LTPA token.
If prices continue to fall, farmers will start killing pigs because it makes no sense for them to buy the feed for hogs that are worth little when sold.
It makes no evolutionary sense for an organism to invest energy in self-repairing that could be devoted to reproduction.
Most of the world's best shoes and purses are made out of leather, so it really makes no sense that we wouldn't be able to wear them year round.
For this reason, it always makes sense to use a title insurance company and have a lawyer perform a title searchto make sure that there are no liens and the property can betransferred.
因此,雇用产权保险的公司和律师进行产权调查 ,确保房地产没有任何扣押权,可以顺利转移,这样做是很有意义的。
It does feel that we are at the end of a way of looking at the world that makes no real sense any longer.
This is because tweets have no titles, so it makes sense that the title is the actual tweet itself.
Certainly, a conclusion that it is proper to completely destroy paper documents as part of a document retention policy, but not electronic documents, makes no sense whatsoever.
Certainly, a conclusion that it is proper to completely destroy paper documents as part of a document retention policy, but not electronic documents, makes no sense whatsoever.