She's nervous, but says she wants to share her secret; a painful secret, she says, that the world needs to know about.
她很紧张,但是,她又说,她很想和别人分享她的秘密,一个充满伤痕的秘密。 她说:世人应该知道这些。
Research and teaching have always cohabited: anyone who teaches a subject well wants to know more about it, and when she knows more, to impart that knowledge.
Another issue is that because three-year programs are so intense and structured, freshman needs to know right away what she wants to major in, and then stick to a pretty rigid curriculum.
He wants to give me a surprise, you know! he made me sign a letter so that she could be taken from the Thenardiers; they cannot say anything, can they?
You know that guys? If the girl wants to play ghost-catcher, just let her. If she can catch a ghost, may be she can catch me a man.
She wants to know what went wrong with that project at work or why you got mad with your boss.
There are people who think they know her future before having talked to her, and presume that she wants to become a doctor or a lawyer.
She wants to know what went wrong with that project at work or why you got mad with your boss.
She wants me to know that she loves me more than she loves her own body, more than she loves her own life, more than she loves this whole world.
She wants everyone to know that she's graduated from side-stage performer to accomplished headlining act.
"But I know that she wants to keep them" answered Billy.
Then tell her if she wants to know who that "Someone" is to just turn her head to the left.
As much as the recruiter wants to sell the candidate on the position and company, he or she also wants to know that the candidate actually wants to work in that position or for that company.
She wants to know that she is still special and that you love her the way you always have.
She wants to know that she is still special and that you love her the way you always have.