Ben was satisfied with that answer and kind of likes the idea that infinity is big enough to be both odd and even.
The idea of dark energy was dreamed up ten years ago, to explain why the expansion of the universe that began with the Big Bang seems to be accelerating, rather than slowing down.
PERHAPS the biggest big idea to gather speed during the last millennium was that we humans might govern ourselves.
The idea was that a big carmaker would create jobs, provide access to technologies, bring in export earnings and spawn a host of supporting industries.
One of the things that was interesting, when we were talking about the Sooka, was this idea that the Sooka should be weak enough and it would be destroyed if a big storm comes through.
He got the idea after being tipped off by a banker who told him that the world was littered with valuable oil fields that were ignored by big companies because they were too small.
Isaiah Berlin once wrote an essay called "The Hedgehog and the Fox" where he classified Tolstoy as a hedgehog because he was devoted to one big idea. That idea was God.
The idea was to create a machine that would mimic how big members of the family Scombridae (which includes the genus Thunnus) rip through the water.
Evgeni and Edvin signed their DVD and there was such a big crowd waiting that I have no idea how the poor guys could escape finally.
After the show Evgeni and Edvin signed their DVD and there was such a big crowd waiting that I have no idea how the poor guys could escape finally.
Something that was very hard for me was... my original idea was that it was going to be purely non-blocking system and I've backed out of that a big in the module system and a few other areas.
Something that was very hard for me was... my original idea was that it was going to be purely non-blocking system and I've backed out of that a big in the module system and a few other areas.