The larger re-emits the absorbed energy as red light.
Luminescence is a process during which the absorbed energy is converted to optical radiation in some way.
The absorbed energy property and deformation characteristic of magnesium alloy under high strain rate loading are described.
Through analysis, the phenomenon was thought to have something to do with the absorbed energy of sheet flow on the different slope.
The absorbed energy by structure is adopted as the objective function, and it is a trial in the filed of building structure dynamic optimization.
A computerized model has been developed which allows the calculation of the absorbed energy profile in materials exposed to particulate radiation.
The energy absorbed by the chlorophyll molecules of the unstable autumn leaf is not immediately channelled into useful products and processes, as it would be in an intact summer leaf.
Solar energy delivers both light and heat, and the heat from sunlight is readily absorbed by dark colors.
As luck would have it, these tend to have about the right level of energy to be absorbed by rock more often than their extraterrestrial counterparts.
When one of the dye molecules is hit by light of sufficient energy, an electron is knocked out of it and absorbed by the titanium dioxide, before being passed out of the cell to do useful work.
That energy will be absorbed by the hydrogen atom, n=1 the electron will rise from n equals one n=2 to n equals two.
So you have neutrons actually getting into the thermal energy range and then these neutrons become absorbed, not capable of producing fission.
This told them it was probably a supernova, and the readings for light energy absorbed by the object and heat dissipated by it strongly implied it was surrounded by dust.
When it relaxes, the energy it has absorbed is re-emitted as yellowish light.
By shining laser light onto hydrogen or antihydrogen and observing which wavelengths are absorbed, the energy levels of the two can be compared in detail.
When light falls on to a leaf, the energy is absorbed and used to carry out specific chemical reactions, helped along by enzymes.
The Energy Vampire is self-absorbed and zaps our energy as they go on-and-on endlessly about themselves.
The Earth’s surface emits infrared radiation it has absorbed from the sun. Greenhouse gases partly trap that energy as heat, keeping the planet habitable.
A passive solar home converts solar energy into heat just as a closed car does. Sunlight passes through a home's Windows and is absorbed in the walls and floors.
As they are destroyed, the blast-energy is absorbed.
But this is long enough for the energy from the absorbed photon to simultaneously "try out" all possible paths across the antenna.
If rumen activities are so crucial, then energy supplements via oils & fats will have to be modified in a way that it by-passes the rumen before it could be absorbed.
Because, the energy, the structure of the plasma, which made that wood, now is partially part of your body because you absorbed it.
Energy absorbed within the spectral range determines detected temperatures.
At the end of the opening movement the kinetic energy is absorbed by the damper (for opening) 18.15. The damper serves also as end stop.
While in the form of radiation, the energy may travel a tremendous distance before being absorbed or changed back into heat.
The energy absorbed by the formwork should be taken into account when deciding on the method of vibration to be used.
Carrots contain a high concentration of sugars which are easily absorbed by the body for an instant workout energy boost.
Carrots contain a high concentration of sugars which are easily absorbed by the body for an instant workout energy boost.