I don't responsible for any liability, loss or risk effect and the act of god influence.
The act of God, fire, and all the dangers and accidents of the sea, are not accepted as ordinary risks.
The defendant can excuse himself by showing that the loss was owing to the plaintiff or the act of God, or vis major (a great or superior force).
Accept: Accept that God has completed the good work. That the act of forgiveness is complete.
If it wasn't an act of god, it could have been simple evolution. The virus could have occurred natural and people began to become exposed.
Then he will thank you, and it will be regarded as a righteous act in the sight of the LORD your God.
Increasingly, I find God USES our wounds in his service. By harboring blame for those who caused them, I slow the act of redemption that can bring healing.
Some groups teach that water baptism is not only a proper act of obedience and an expression of faith, but is also part of the essential means by which God forgives sin.
So the act of believing god is not materialistic, as materialism disbelieves god.
Trying to find out the future using occult methods is an act of rebellion, an intentional act of defiance against God.
By that act, the monarch is consecrated before God to the service of his peoples to whom he has sworn a grave oath.
The newspapers called the earthquake an act of God.
In that act of offering his life, there lies the supreme act of love for God.
「圣人奉献生命,彰显出他爱主的崇高行为。」 蒙席表示,菲律宾将会有更多圣人,但有关申请仍在处理中。
Will your insurance policy pay for the cost of replacing your house if it's destroyed by an act of God?
Noah's first act after coming out of the ark was to worship God by offering a sacrifice.
Give yourself a hug and return to the act of loving, of worship of God, of extending your loving energy in whatever ways you can, not just to others but to yourself.
Most of the time, if we receive a discomforting word, we act like Peter and say, "oh no, this can't be God!"
In the first account in Genesis 1, the creation of human is clearly the climactic divine act: after this God can rest.
As to the particular act of grace he was referring notice from verse 1he says, "we want you to knowabout the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches."
As you go throughout your day, make a note of how you, as a human being created in the imago Dei, look and act like a representative of God.
Act of Pure Creation, and God will allow you to create in the moment of your death.
In these two great Sons of God have been focussed two aspects of divine life, and They act together as Custodians of the highest type of spiritual force to which our humanity can respond.
They see God's plan with Israel conditioned upon human choice, while God's plan for salvation within the church is ultimately a sovereign act of God.
That is why the act of rejoining the whole, of returning to God, is called remembrance.
It's an act of God, its genes from my grandma. We got the long age.
At one moment you talk of love for a Master, of reverence for an ideal, for a belief, for a God, and yet in the next moment you act with appalling cruelty.
Thus what is revealed in Christ is not one act of self - limitation, but God the Son in his eternal self - limiting obedient relation to the Father.
Believing is an act of the intellect assenting to the divine truth by command of the will moved by God through grace.
Believing is an act of the intellect assenting to the divine truth by command of the will moved by God through grace.