Next to the center aisle, I recognized Edward Cullen by his unusual hair, sitting next to that single open seat.
Short of that, travel agents can request via teletype [my italics] through their GDSs a general aisle or window seat request, the airline says.
I'm afraid you are in the wrong seat. 20c is just two rows behind on the other aisle.
Of course, if these seat hogs would pick a train with three-abreast seating and grab a window or aisle seat, the seat next to them would almost surely stay empty the entire trip!
Think more like the seats in an F-16, bolted into a Spartan cabin: three rows, a seat on either side of the aisle and two windows per passenger, one to the side, the other overhead.
The A320 Family offers thewidest cross section in the single aisle aircraft market with theAirbus standard 18 inch wide seat in economy class.
Dad sat on a seat next to the aisle, with Mary two seats away next to Mother.
Agent: I'll let you know in a minute. (works with the computer) No problem. I can give you an aisle seat in the center row. Do you have any other luggage?
Are you flying in an aisle seat in a Dreamliner or in the middle seat in a MD-80?
是梦幻客机上一个靠近过道的座位,还是MD- 80上的一个中间座位?
She paid the driver and, using her hands to feel the location of the seats, walked down the aisle and found the seat he'd told her was empty.
In the photo, every window and aisle seat - and not ONE middle seat - is occupied.
Of course, if these seat hogs would pick a train with three - abreast seating and grab a window or aisle seat, the seat next to them would almost surely stay empty the entire trip!
Im afraid you are in the wrong seat. 20c is just two rows behind on the other aisle.
I'm sorry. No more aisle seats are available. Will the window seat be all right?
The church had one centre aisle so going to communion and then coming back to your seat took some time.
If it is facing the wall, the future will also be like be wall blocking general, luck can not be developed. 3: every corner cut seat seat should not be asymmetrical aisle and seat to cut.
We had seats, but had to ask people to move to sit in my seat and the aisle became completely packed with people like sardines in a can.
We went to the movie the other night. I sat in an aisle seat as I usually do, because it feels a little roomier.
After being led down the aisle by a trained handler, the alpaca is allowed to observe from the best seat in the house.
Previous research has found that passengers prefer the front six rows of the plane, while 60 per cent of people favour a window seat, 40 per cent opt for the aisle and just one per cent the middle.
As they passed down the aisle of the coach, the only empty seat was one facing the young woman.
As they passed down the aisle of the coach, the only empty seat was one facing the young woman.