The so-called disease enters by the mouth. And not in the alarmist, reasonable diet is an effective means of health.
And if you're tired of fretting about swine flu, you can join the folks at Gawker who are complaining about the alarmist nature of the swine flu reporting.
Contrary to the more alarmist reports, he is not going to die.
But while parts of the document seem overly alarmist, there are a couple of legitimate points.
If I were to make corrections that make more bits of the map shaded blue, then I would run the risk of having the whole thing discredited as alarmist.
The error in the IPCC report led to sharp criticism of the panel and its chairman, Rajendra Pachauri, by scientists and sceptics worldwide who believe global warming theories are alarmist.
And alarmist politicians and doomster academics may, in pointing to the state of decay, miss a nation's continuing strengths and attractions, which have to be weighed against its problems and worries.
Friedman's book belongs to the long line of alarmist literature that is by its very nature utopian.
No doubt the AD seemed ridiculously alarmist at the time.
Officials dismiss this as alarmist. But Lula is worried enough to have attended a recent meeting of his for the first time.
官员们都认为这是杞人忧天拒不接受,但是卢拉对此十分担心,并且破例第一次参加了巴西国家能源政策委员会(National Energy Policy Council)的最近一期会议。
In contrast to the paper, which is conservative and often alarmist, the Daily Mail's website is a breezy read.
Solomon's report "is quite important, not alarmist, and very important for the current debates on climate policy," added Jonathan Overpeck, a climate researcher at the University of Arizona.
She cautioned, however, saying: "I feel that any report can be alarmist in the minds of some people.
She cautioned, however, saying: "I feel that any report can be alarmist in the minds of some people."
Because of alarmist news coverage, the general public often believes that the greatest threat to children is from strangers.
That figure may be too alarmist: there are signs that urban factories are running out of migrant labour, and reports that bad working and living conditions in some cities are deterring the rural poor.
But alarmist comparisons with other countries whose challenges are quite different from those of the United States don't help.
Angell thought business-sponsored bills were too unmindful of the consumer, whereas businessmen thought Angell a devilish alarmist.
PP hints that the region of Castilla-La Mancha is bust or that Spain's health system will not survive the year also look alarmist.
So to them, the specter of a depression can sound alarmist, and the $700 billion bill that Congress voted down this week can seem like a bailout for rich scoundrels.
Some observers have questioned whether reports have been too alarmist about the new virus, which, outside of Mexico, has resulted in relatively mild symptoms.
Richard Tol, senior research officer at Ireland's Economic and Social Research Institute, called Stern's report alarmist, saying it overestimated the impact of climate change.
The scientific evidence demonstrates that the plastic baby bottles scare is nothing more than an alarmist reaction to a limited study that has not been reproduced.
This sounds like alarmist talk, but the whole nation faces the danger of believing that it is not profitable to study.
The agency is not known for alarmist warnings, and its World Energy Outlook is typically viewed by policy wonks as a solid indicator of global energy supplies.
The agency is not known for alarmist warnings, and its World Energy Outlook is typically viewed by policy wonks as a solid indicator of global energy supplies.