The animal nature of human society has still not been shed off though it looks being civilized.
When we see monkeys in the zoo, where they are kept in a small place, away from the animal nature.
True to a gorilla's unaggressive nature, the huge animal meant me no real harm.
As the most famous animal of China, the giant panda appears in the logo of the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF).
Despite intensive investigations extending over several years, research has failed to find an animal reservoir of the virus or determine where it hides in nature between outbreaks.
Such massive, dramatic and high profile events have fueled concerns that nature is coming to an end, or at least that something weird and disturbing is going on in the animal kingdom.
Nature, in multiple manifestations ranging from animal to algae, is also thrown into the digital mix.
All he tells us is that we are the polis animal by nature and that to achieve our ends, it will be necessary to live in a polis.
I have had a long life, I have had much time for thought as I lay alone in my stall, and I think I may say that I understand the nature of life on this earth as well as any animal now living.
Added to this is the increasing challenge of staying connected to the body in a high-tech, stressful world that all but erases our animal nature.
Friends, animal is left to the human nature, it is the priceless treasure we friends of human beings.
Each species hold tones or vibrations known as the Language of Light, whether they be plant, animal or mineral in nature.
When the spirit of heaven rules in man, his animal nature also comes under its influence and takes its appropriate place.
The 20-year-old animal lover organized a wild animal protection project in Nabanhe River Watershed National Nature Reserve, Yunnan province.
The breeding behavior of free living Red crowned Cranes was observed at Zalong Nature Reserve by instantaneous and scan sampling, focal animal sampling and all occurrence recording methods.
The image talks about animal behavior, and about the very moving feeling of proximity between us and our nearest relatives in nature.
In the nature, most male animal ratio pantheress animals are all beautiful, for example the Cape of the "mane" hair, hart and the rich in hues feather of the male peacock of the male lion.
I gain some knowledge about animallife such as different lives of different animals, the relationship between people and nature, people and animal, and the meaning of animal protection.
The animal instincts of human beings as distinct from their spiritual nature.
The Animal is part of the nature and cannot be separated from human. Human must keep the ecology balance if he wants a happy life.
This has been something that has been refused for centuries, despite the evidence. No one could say that the plants were able to eat an animal, because it was against the order of nature.
This has been something that has been refused for centuries, despite the evidence. No one could say that the plants were able to eat an animal, because it was against the order of nature.