Indeed, before the credit crunch 11% of Edinburgh's jobs were in financial services and about half were in these two big Banks.
Long an unexciting province within asset management, money funds have played a big role in the crunch.
For Brazil's big sugar companies the timing is perfect: the credit crunch set off a wave of consolidation in an industry that had been resistant to it.
But with the credit crunch casting doubt on many formerly safe-seeming securities, the big question for many investors has become, Is my money fund safe?
Unlike the credit crunch, however, the peak oil risk assessment involves big companies sounding the alarm alongside organisations like Global Witness.
From the Big Bang to black holes, from dark matter to a possible Big Crunch, our image of the universe today is full of strange sounding ideas, and remarkable truths.
The credit crunch and its reverberations are being widely felt, nowhere more so than in smaller organizations that have fewer marketing resources than the big boys.
Too often, we look at the big picture when creating a web design and ignore the little things when we're in a time crunch.
Newspapersare full of stories about which of the big economies will be first to dip intorecession as a result of the credit crunch.
The discovery means that the universe is likely to continue expanding indefinitely, instead of reaching a steady state or collapsing back in on itself in what some call a "big crunch."
But Sirius XM is not just another firm caught out by the near-impossibility of rolling over big debts in the midst of the credit crunch: it faces even bigger worries.
A collection of bad loans and other botched financial bets that caused big losses for Banks, prompted a credit crunch and sank the economy (Sept. 2008 to May 2009).
City recruiters expect Bank of America, another big London employer reeling from multibillion-dollar writedowns relating to the credit crunch, to start announcing job cuts shortly.
City recruiters expect Bank of America, another big London employer reeling from multibillion-dollar writedowns relating to the credit crunch, to start announcing job cuts shortly.