A big hit is a good thing, but a website like Wikileaks is mostly not about the big hits, but about a lot of interesting small hits.
Perhaps 900 or so of the weather-satellite fragments are big enough to damage any satellite that hits them.
These days, though, the company is known more for its misses, fumbles, and stumbles than its hits and big scores.
The lava flows down the mountain to the Pacific Ocean. Its fierce heat produces a big cloud of steam when it hits the cold water.
Public sharing of copies is likely to increase the sales of most works, and decrease sales only for big hits.
Mr. Cameron recently sat down with The Wall Street Journal to discuss the making of 'Avatar' and the implications of making such big Hollywood hits.
Another way of looking at things, however, is to say that spending on gaming is driven by big hits, and that the slight decline in 2009 reflects creative rather than economic weakness.
An object big enough to kill off a substantial portion of the earth's population only hits earth about twice every million years.
When a CME hits, the solar particles can interact with Earth's magnetic field to produce powerful electromagnetic fluctuations. (Related: "Magnetic-Shield Cracks Found; Big solar Storms Expected.")
Once your business hits the big time, you'll have hordes of women throwing themselves at you.
Some big pop-music hits are so cyberized the singer might as well be telling you to press 1 if you know your party's exten-sion.
"In a rising market small shippers' containers are 'rolled over' by the shipping companies, " he said, adding that such practices usually resulted in big hits to shippers' margins.
Though the Nashville sound did produce some big names and hits, many people complained that the music was becoming too manufactured.
There are always some messages about ads in our emails, such as the car secure, some ads say you are the one who hits their luck, you can have the big prize if you give them some message they need.
Many of his films (The Grifters, Bullets over Broadway, Being John Malkovich) have been rather big hits with the Academy, but Cusack's neurotic protagonists never quite charge to the front.
The upside of this correlation is that sales bounce back when a big movie hits theaters.
A: The Earth has always been subject to impacts by comets and asteroids, although big hits are very rare.
Once your business hits the big time, you"ll have hordes of women throwing themselves at you."
Once your business hits the big time, you "ll have hordes of women throwing themselves at you."
Well, gentlemen, when the shit hits the fan, some guys run... and some guys stay. Here's Charlie facing the fire, and there's George... hiding in big daddy's pocket. And what are you doing?
Well, gentlemen, when the shit hits the fan, some guys run... and some guys stay. Here's Charlie facing the fire, and there's George... hiding in big daddy's pocket. And what are you doing?