“I thought he was quite simply the most wonderfulperson I had ever met,” concedes the biographer.
"Unauthorized" biographies also have their appeal, however, since they can suggest an independence of mind in the biographer.
As the painting's biographer, Donald Sassoon, dryly notes, "In reality the effect can be obtained from any portrait."
He cannot begin to see himself as his biographer or reader sees him, for the pain of others always reverts back to his own.
To imagine, as some do, that the red shirts will all go home to tend their fields is wishful thinking, argues Chris Baker, a historian and biographer of Mr Thaksin.
The great occupational hazard for any biographer is falling too much under the sway of his or her subject, becoming at best a biased observer, and at worst a propagandist.
Yet the arch Mr Wolff, who enjoyed extensive access to Mr Murdoch, his family and executives, still seems an odd choice of biographer.
A freelance writer is suing biographer Kitty Kelley, claiming the author plagiarized his work in her new book about President Bush and his family.
“His good side was every bit as good as his bad side was bad, ” the Rockefeller biographer, Ron Chernow, has said.
He was, concludes Niall Ferguson, the first biographer to be given access to Warburg's private papers, the “presiding genius” of the City for more than 30 years after the second world war.
The great man once walked 15 miles to Dunfermline wrapped only in his thoughts and his dressing gown, according to an early biographer.
The cover and corresponding story, penned by editor-in-chief and Diana biographer Tina Brown, imagines what her life would be like today if tragedy had not struck on Aug. 31, 1997.
Not everyone is convinced Fidel stays on the margins. "I doubt he is retired," said Volker Skierka, a biographer.
并不是所有人都相信菲德尔真的已经不问世事,传记作者Volker Skierka说:“我对他的退休表示怀疑。”
According to her previous biographer Hugo Vickers, she had wanted to attract the Prince of Wales - later Edward VIII - but he brushed her off and she married his younger brother, George, instead.
Biographer: the father seems to have been in certain respects a fairly strict 1 disciplinarian, but his mother seems to have been the tougher of... of the two parents.
For years, the church has had a contract with a biographer, Dan Sherman, to chronicle the founder's life, but there is still no authorized book, and the church refused to let me talk to Sherman.
Before she died in 2005, Mrs. Parks told Douglas Brinkley, her biographer, that she posed for the picture.
To be sure, there is good reason for a biographer to focus on the way his subject saw the world; we would miss much of Deng's story if we only listened to his critics.
“For me the paint is the person, ” Freud explained to Lawrence Gowing, a biographer.
"Neil's not sure - hasn't been sure in the last couple of weeks - of what to do or say in response to Aldrin's positions," explained Mr Armstrong's friend and biographer, James Hansen.
Now old and ailing, she summons a biographer to tell the truth about her extraordinary life: Margaret Lea, a young woman for whom the secret of her own birth remains an ever-present pain.
The book was written by biographer Walter Isaacson and emerged from scores of interviews with Jobs.
As Peter Ackroyd, novelist, critic and biographer of Charles Dickens and Sir Thomas More, asserts in his new book: “The English see more ghosts than anyone else.”
Mr. Jobs’s biographer, Mr. Isaacson, whose book will be published in two weeks, asked him why so private a man had consented to the questions of someone writing a book.
Mr. Jobs’s biographer, Mr. Isaacson, whose book will be published in two weeks, asked him why so private a man had consented to the questions of someone writing a book.