As a ballerina, to embody the duality of the Swan Queen and the black swan can be a fiendishly difficult task.
The Black Swan, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, 2007.
《黑天鹅》,纳西姆·尼古拉斯·塔勒布(The Black Swan, Nassim Nicholas Taleb),2007年。
She danced the part of the black swan very lyrically.
In fact, I tried in The black swan to turn a lot of black swans white!
He called it the Black swan because if you look at swans, they're always white.
While the White Swan comes easily to Nina, the dark mysteries of the Black Swan evade her.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a very popular financial author thanks to his books "Fooled by Randomness" and "The Black Swan".
Taleb says on his website that he's not giving interviews ahead of the upcoming release of the updated, paperback version of 'The Black Swan.
His popular books "Fooled by Randomness" and "the Black Swan" were broadsides at the risk-management models used in the financial world and beyond.
It is like watching a video of Rudolf Nureyev being the black swan and then expecting to be able to twirl round the living room in a similar fashion yourself.
这就像观看鲁道夫•纽瑞耶夫(Rudolf Nureyev,已故苏联芭蕾舞大师——译者注)扮演黑天鹅的视频,然后就期望自己也能以同样的法子在客厅旋转一样。
The Black Swan star is reportedly eyeing the lead role in Brothers Grimm: Snow White producer Brett Ratner's version of the classic fairytale Contactmusic reported.
据说电影《黑天鹅》中的这位大明星正觊觎着《格林兄弟:白雪公主》一片的女一号位置。 这部电影是制片人布莱特·拉特纳对经典童话故事的翻拍。
Mr Buffett's approach of insuring events he thinks are unlikely to occur is the kind of trading strategy criticised by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, who wrote the Black Swan.
巴菲特为他认为发生概率不大的事件提供保险,这种做法正是《黑天鹅》一书作者纳西姆·尼古拉斯·塔勒布(Nassim Nicholas Taleb)所批评的交易策略。
In 2007, he published the Black Swan: the Impact of the Highly Improbable, which argues that we should never ignore the possibility or importance of rare, unpredictable events.
Factors such as exports are tend to be stable, while domestic demand and capacity compression are unstable factors which are likely to be the black swan fly over the market.
The Quarterly: For people who haven’t read The Black Swan, can you quickly summarize what they should know to understand your point of view on recent events in global financial markets?
Taleb, who is an adviser to the firm and an investor, gained fame for 'The Black Swan, ' a book that suggested unlikely events in the financial markets are far more likely than most investors believe.
"This swan is so white," he thought, "and I am so black. It must be the happiest bird in the world."
Mr Taleb cut his philosophical teeth in the basement of his family home in Lebanon during the long civil war there (another Black Swan), devouring books as mortars flew overhead.
A system that is over-reliant on prediction (through leverage, like the banking system before the recent crisis), hence fragile to unforeseen "black swan" events, will eventually break into pieces.
The concern over "Black Swan" (and thin fashion models on TV and in magazines) stems from the popular myth that simply seeing images of thin people causes eating disorders.
For the past 20 years, I have been a ballerina with the new York City Ballet, and I was asked to offer my thoughts on the new Darren Aronofsky film, Black swan.
He dreamed a black swan and several swallows flying in the sky.
He advocates building a society that can limit the damage of Black Swan events once they inevitably occur.
Torgovnick's fears are certainly well-intentioned, but there's no evidence that women aspire to look like the characters in "Black Swan," and in any event eating disorders are not contagious.
Torgovnick's fears are certainly well-intentioned, but there's no evidence that women aspire to look like the characters in "Black Swan," and in any event eating disorders are not contagious.