More than 500 people from the business circles of the two countries attended the forum.
Marketing has existed at the business circles for a long time, while the good marketing is the foundation for the enterprises to make profits.
During the period of ten years or so, it has intrigued a construction upsurge of corporate culture in the business circles throughout the nation like a rising wind and scudding clouds.
Because of this, some of the best women have collected as many as 25-35 directorships each, and are known in Norwegian business circles as the "golden skirts".
It is generally accepted in many business circles that the most important set of skills required for long term career success these days involves people skills.
The ROK economic and business circles have become a bond linking the friendship and cooperation between both countries.
But most South Africans do not want to be measured against a third-world yardstick; in business circles, especially, they have the outlook and culture of the rich world.
But the industrial use of hydrogen-as an energy carrier that is both clean and free of foreign influence-seems to be gaining favour in business circles.
Some of the disappointment registered in business circles points to unrealistic expectations.
The affair has created something of a stigma around Mr Niel in top business circles, says a former colleague.
In business circles, the lack of women at the top is described as a "brain drain" and a crisis of "talent retention."
46-year-old Wu has been in Taiwan's entertainment circles for 27 years. After retiring, he plans to continue his business selling LED lights, hoping to give everyone the resources to save energy.
Ci strategy has been carried out abroad in all links of management control, getting the close attention in business circles.
However, the number of golf courses continued to rise as the sport gained popularity, especially in business and official circles.
Warmly welcome friends from various circles to visit the field in business negotiations.
Outside the circle are two circles with multiplying incremental diameters, representing constant expansion of our business.
Social activities in business circles also help freelancers. Connections they make help gain a better grasp of the industry.
In some business circles, even among those who criticise China's policies, many nonetheless see the country as an opportunity.
During the Spring Festival this year, city and three districts the number of business circles Security Cases incidence has dropped significantly over the same period last year.
The internal structure of enterprise intellectual capital is a hot subject nowadays which the academic and business circles are very interested.
Following the fast emergence and the destiny changes of the enterprise group, the group manages already becomes the hot subject that business circles and academia have paid close attention to.
Although the practice of equipment maintenance outsourcing is already carried out broadly in business circles, have a set of mature information system to provide support to it by now not yet.
As a new broadband pay the salaries design, foreign enterprises are widely used in recent years by China's theoretical circles and the business community's concern.
The triune brain became (and remains) popular in the media, the business world and certain scientific circles.
Deemed to the new mode of production in 21st century, the Mass Customization has aroused abroad attentions in theory and business circles.
The learning type organization theory has evoked intense repercussion all over the world especially in business circles.
The learning type organization theory has evoked intense repercussion all over the world especially in business circles.