When storing Renaissance oil paintings, museums conform to standards that call for careful control of the surrounding temperature and humidity, with variations confined within narrow margins.
Newborn chicks can then imitate their mum's call within a few days of entering the world.
The commission's proposal would also call for Congress to approve or disapprove any "significant armed conflict" within 30 days.
The value of a struggle is in what it requires us to call up from within ourselves, an opportunity for growth.
For those who have learned how to be consistent, or have broken through what I call the “threshold of consistency, ” the money is not only within their grasp; they can virtually take it at will.
If you want to buy at a store, call first as their inventory is usually sold within the opening hour.
The new Call Hierarchy window helps you analyze your code and navigate within it.
This design was chosen because there was no obvious single call out; therefore, it made sense to combine the logic within one flow.
Rather than using programmatic transactions within the same method, you can move the update operations to another public method within the call stack.
The actual reason for a defect is often buried within technician comments or call center logs.
Most of the code within a JAX-RPC call is bidirectional, so the same code used on the server is also used on the client.
JAX - RPC调用中的大多数代码是双向的,因此,在服务器上使用的相同代码也可在客户机上使用。
An obvious location for the SQA workflow is within the Test workflow and the defined activities that call for evaluation.
You can also override regular functions in a subclass and call the overridden parent function from within the subclass.
And it did a good job in those terms: for 88% of fire fatalities, a crew arrived within five minutes of the emergency call.
Recall that the introduction described the custom mediation within the flow using a reference to call out of the flow to a component in the assembly diagram.
Each simple task, global task, or global process called within the original process becomes a call Operation Action in the new process form.
Being on the wrong end of a negotiation is inevitably reactive as you have to wait for the kidnappers to call: Lopez's aim is to exert the maximum control within those limited parameters.
Within the run unit, COBOL programs can call non-COBOL programs and vice versa.
Business functions may call finer-grained technical services within the domain internally, providing a service to external consumers.
As Figure 1 shows, expanding a source member shows the call graph for that source member within the graphical representation of the source member in the diagram.
Call this initialization function from within the main body of the XSLT, as in Listing 4.
A sales force needs to know what kind of companies to call on and the title of the person to call within those companies.
He introduced various teams within "Quality" (as we like to call the group) including Core Ranking, International Search, User Interfaces, Evaluation, Webspam, and other teams.
B: Well, I'll do my best to give you a call within two days at the latest.
The easiest is to simply call the VBA macro from within VSTO by using the Application.Run method.
It seems that the "product transition" Apple mentioned on the last earnings call could very well be within the iPod line.
The SOAP method call is performed within a try - except block, which is generally good style, but here we do it specifically to catch a SOAP.faultType exception.
SOAP方法调用是在try-except块中执行的,一般来说,这种方式比较好,但这里我们这样做只是捕捉 SOAP.faultType异常。
After a few more housekeeping checks, the penultimate step is to call the module's exit function (provided within the module itself).
After a few more housekeeping checks, the penultimate step is to call the module's exit function (provided within the module itself).