I'm very ambitious and want to climb up the career ladder as fast as possible.
The price of moving up an rung on the career ladder is too high for most people.
The President wishes every student to forge ahead on the career ladder at the commencement ceremony.
At upper levels of the career ladder, this is comfortably the best sector to work in if you want good money.
At upper levels of the career ladder, this is comfortably the best sector to work in if you want good money.
He has lunch with his mentor as often as possible. He listens to his stories about climbing the career ladder.
Therefore, it is easier to acquire a credible recommendation letter if one ever decides to seek other employment and get on the career ladder.
And it helps explain why Japanese women struggle to climb the career ladder: only 10% of Japanese managers are female, compared with 46% in America.
Even here, though, improving opportunities for women to work, and to progress up the career ladder if they wish, could boost productivity and growth.
Many women drop off the career ladder at some point (usually to have children or to care for an elderly relative) and find it difficult to get back on again.
If we put these two career levels together, engineering seems to be best for above-average money initially, and above-average money as you move up the career ladder.
If we put these two career levels together, engineering seems to be best for above-average money initially, and above-average money as you move up the career ladder.
Internships have become an almost essential first step on the career ladder, says Phil Gardner, who directs the Collegiate Employment Research Institute at Michigan State University.
On the lowest rungs of the career ladder, salaries in America's public sector can be quite competitive with the private sector; but at the highest levels, the differential is vast.
The capacity of the 'successful psychopath' to identify and outwardly display the qualities corporate leaders admire helps them climb the career ladder quickly despite being poor managers.
However, if a person has lost his health, whether physically or mentally, chances are that he will be anxious and depressed, not to mention of aiming high or climbing along the career ladder.
The carmaker emphasizes that it offers faster promotions, bigger pay raises and even “career coaches” to help young talent ascend the corporate ladder.
This is the extent to which employees feel threatened by ambiguity, and the relative importance that they attach to rules, long-term employment and steady progression up a well-defined career ladder.
For instance, if you're in a career that you don't like, every step you take up the ladder is just taking you further and further in the wrong direction.
None of this means that adjusting to an ageing workforce will be easy. Companies will need to rethink the traditional career ladder that linked seniority to pay and power.
It's been hard-wired into our corporate craniums over the past century that success means climbing a ladder toward a set career destination.
Whereas, other people may be aiming for a management career, scale the corporate ladder and eventually be responsible for a business with people and Profit & Loss responsibilities.
Whereas, other people may be aiming for a management career, scale the corporate ladder and eventually be responsible for a business with people and Profit & Loss responsibilities.