They didn’t like to be the center of attention, and they took little pleasure in narrative.
Extroverts are very comfortable in groups, and may be even happier as the center of attention.
In our example, Jake loves to be the center of attention, which explains his wild behavior.
Today, "to fly under the radar" means to avoid being the center of attention or to go unnoticed.
During the last few years, American Banks and policy makers were the center of attention at Davos.
Lucy, the young heroine, has always been the center of attention from Forster critics and scholars.
Dressed up in these pretty costumes, your little dog will be the center of attention on the streets.
Adam: I know exactly what you mean. She talks too much and always needs to be the center of attention.
What it does know is that as an incarnated soul, it feels less insecure when it is the center of attention.
Judges' Comments: Excellent use of color and lines. The bride really pops out and is the center of attention.
You're used to being the center of attention, and you often draw creative ideas from those flocking about you.
It took Mary two hours to get ready, but it was worth it — she was dressed to kill and the center of attention.
Your powerful desire to be the center of attention along with your vanity is pernicious for the shy, sensitive Crab. Not a choice alliance.
You love being the center of attention and design bold, elegant rooms full of dramatic furnishings, exotic accessories and fancy light fixtures.
喜欢受到关注的狮子座偏爱大胆的设计。 现代感十足的家具、异国风情的组件及奇幻的灯饰充斥在房间的每一个角落,无不体现了主人的奇思妙想。
If you suffer from social phobia in general, in any place, any situation, you become someone else will be afraid of the center of attention.
You need an issue that the profession as a whole is not really thinking about, but which is going to be the center of attention in five years.
Knox has been the center of attention since her arrest on Nov. 6, 2007 — four days after Kercher's body was found in a pool of blood at the apartment.
If you suffer from fear of the general population, in any place, any situation, you become someone else will be afraid of the center of attention.
The people who decorate rooms with orange hues tend to be outgoing, social and easy to be with, even if they do like to be the center of attention.
It took Mary two hours to get ready, but it was worth it -- she was dressed to killand the center of attention. Everyone was saying she was the most.
Therefore, with the pressure from the continuing expansion of college enrollment, the employment of college graduates has become the center of attention.
She goes to the library frequently and her extensive knowledge and experience allow her to take part in any conversation and become the center of attention.
We have, however, gained the ability to arrange components in different ways to provide a context and to have different components as the center of attention.
In activity-oriented services, the operations are the center of attention, with a single operation for each activity the client might request to be performed.
In activity-oriented services, the operations are the center of attention, with a single operation for each activity the client might request to be performed.