The central idea that is expanded in a document or discourse.
A. The central idea of OOP is to build programs using software objects.
The central idea is to avoid relying entirely on any single storage media or single location.
Significance - is this the central idea to focus on? Which of these facts are the most important?
Person - based teaching idea is the central idea the famous teachers invented in educating persons.
Remember, you have to understand is the central idea of the content, rather than to isolate every word.
The theories of aesthetic experience are the central idea in ZHU Guang-qian's early aesthetical systems.
What's the central idea of this passage? Lin Qing, can you give us a brief introduction in your own words?
What was the evidence that connections were made between the central idea and the transdisciplinary theme?
The central idea of existentialism that "being is prior to essence" is vividly dramatized in Dickinson's poetry.
However, I do think the central idea of the achievement of a four hour workweek solving all of your problems is misleading.
Coleridge's works led a different trend from that of Wordworth, which was once criticized for the difficulties in grasping the central idea.
Idempotency is the central idea in REST: the same request - perhaps encoding client information - should return the same data whenever it is made.
By means of the central idea of benchmarking - using the management scheme utilized by the American market of medical apparatus as the target for benchmarking.
This paper tells briefly the central idea of student ?based theory, and proves its feasibility and necessity in teaching of English listening by linking it to practice.
The central idea of the album is: "le Petit Prince" is a beautiful fairy tale, and it is one of my favourite books. It is the first book I bought when I came to Beijing.
The central idea is based on the Greek methodical character Sisyphus who was forced to roll a large stone up a steep hill, which tumbles back down when it reaches the top.
The central idea behind a Space Elevator involves lowering a cable — perhaps constructed from asteroid material — from geostationary Earth orbit to the surface of the Earth.
The central idea of the approach is to enhance workflow systems ability to cope with environmental uncertainties and changes by means of resource management and dynamic system reconfiguration.
The central idea behind the Web services revolution is that the Web will be populated with an assortment of small pieces of code, all of which can be published, found, and invoked across the Web.
The idea that those at the bottom can rise to the top is central to America's ideas about itself.
A theme is a central idea running throughout the text, connecting the characters and events.
Each play has a theme or central idea which the playwright hopes to get across through dialogue and action.
The idea of controlling balance in a composition via irregularity and asymmetry is a central tenet of the Zen aesthetic.
CENTRAL bankers in Western countries are getting used to the idea that part of their job is to try to raise animal spirits after a slump.
Yet the biggest problem with Mr Blanchard's idea is that central Banks are not starting from scratch.
Yet the biggest problem with Mr Blanchard's idea is that central Banks are not starting from scratch.